With one $25 million-dollar pier currently under construction in Nags Head, Dare County and Aquarium officials have shifted focus to the next of the three proposed piers. Partnered with the Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores, the next “$25 million-dollar pier” will be located in Emerald Isle on land donated by the town.
At a meeting of Pier Advisory Committee last week, Aquarium Society Director of Development Jay Barnes presented that he had spoken with both Sen. Preston (R – Carteret) and Rep. McElraft (R – Carteret) and “both are very supportive” of the project.
No, don’t adjust your browser settings. You read that right.
Despite the “lashing” the first pier received following funding by General Assembly at a time when other priorities were being cut, two supposed conservative Republicans, Sen. Preston and Rep. McElraft, are in support of yet another taxpayer funded pier. There is currently one privately owned fishing pier in Emerald Isle.
The Aquarium Society has (finally) commissioned an economic impact study to be conducted by the economics department at UNC – Wilmington on the three proposed piers. Supporters hope this study will “give some credibility to the arguments we make about how important the piers are.”
I suppose we shall see if we can expect another “Aquarium Satellite Areas Funding” bill to come sailing through the General Assembly again soon. I wonder if Basnight Construction will get some work on this one too?
North Carolina can find 25 million dollars for a Pier but can not find enough money to give the the victims of Steriliation supported by the Eugenics board and the State of North Carolina. It is mind boggling to me. Someone please explain.
Deborah Chesson
Daughter of Survivor Nial Ramirez