Yesterday the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) held their One Voice rally in downtown Raleigh. Civitas Institute staff was also present distributing a recent analysis highlighting how NCAE executive compensation has increased throughout the economic recession while many people have had to cut back.
Despite Civitas staff politely handing out printed material on public sidewalks, one NCAE individual appeared slightly threatened by the information being distributed — information that came directly from NCAE’s 990 tax form. As teachers made their way into the rally, this angry individual stopped them to say that the information “was Art Pope’s propaganda and to get rid of it.” He went as far as to take Civitas material from their hands.
Have we reached a point where we no longer allow individuals to read information and make up their own minds? Check out video of the incident(s) below:
And here is a photo of the NCAE thug actively prohibiting teachers from accessing information for themselves. Those are Civitas materials in his hand.
I was at the Rally as a parent with my 10 year old and I found it a very open, safe gathering. I think that many people who have an interest in public education resent Republicans pushing an agenda that does not reflect American values. We do understand that many of the newly elected members of the state government are indebted to Art Pope for his financing. Which is more democratic? 65,000 edcuators who donate 12-40 bucks a year to campaigns (seperate from assoc. dues) to one multi-millionaire spending thousands? One is American and one is what? facist? or just an election and politicians being bought and paid for—shameful.