While discussing my article concerning heir apparent to the UNC Presidency Tom Ross on the Bill Lumaye Show, and conversing with the condescending Rob Schofield of NC Policy Watch, I regret that I was cut short in my attempts to bring complete clarity to the issue at hand and respond sufficiently to my left-wing counterpart. I feel it necessary to respond to the fallacious remarks and vacuous blatherings of Mr. Shoffield, despite it giving undue dignity to his words.
First and foremost, the fervor with which Rob Schofield of NC Policy Watch defends Tom Ross is not very surprising when you follow the money trail. NC Policy Watch is a project of the NC Justice Center, which from 2008-2009 alone received nearly $2 million from Z. Smith Reynolds. You’re not exactly a disinterested source, are ya Rob. There goes your credibility.
Secondly, his remarks against my age: Yes, I am young. That was a truly brilliant observation, and just as obvious as it is irrelevant, and just as irrelevant as it is inconsequential. My age is not and should not be the focus of this discussion. The subject of the story was about Tom Ross and his connections to ACORN et al., and on that issue I preferred to stay. My role in this whole discourse is merely that of providing facts. It’s a shame you have such little regard for young people. I pity your interns.
Thirdly, ACORN: disregarding Rob’s abstract conjecturing on Andrew Breitbart, ACORN has in fact been involved in some very shady activity, so much so that the federal government stopped funding the organization in 2009 and ACORN has now fractionalized and gone under different aliases to avoid the warranted negative publicity. More explicit details of ACORN’s activity can be found in my Ross article.
Fourthly, Mr. Schofield refers to my article as “dishonest and inaccurate” amongst a series of slurs, mostly aimed at my former status of an intern. However, he has yet to point out how exactly anything that I have said is either dishonest or inaccurate. Z. Smith Reynolds does in fact give hundreds of thousands of dollars to organizations with very far left leanings as I discussed in my article. Ross as Executive Director of Z. Smith Reynolds for nearly seven years was at the helm, funneling money into all of said organizations. It would stand to reason that anyone on the board of such a foundation would either be unaware of these donations or would support their agendas.
Click here to listen to our interview on the Bill Lumaye Show.
Well said, young Andrew.
Now go fetch me some more coffee, intern!
“Z. Smith Reynolds does in fact give hundreds of thousands of dollars to organizations with very far left leanings as I discussed in my article. Ross as Executive Director of Z. Smith Reynolds for nearly seven years was at the helm, funneling money into all of said organizations.”
‘Nuff said.