This has been a big week for K-12 education news. Yesterday state test results which helped to measure the impact of new Common Core standards were released. I shared my thoughts here.
Also, earlier in the week the National Assessment for Education Progress (NAEP) released 2013 test results . NAEP is a national test that is administered every two years. A sample of fourth and eighth grade students in each state is tested in reading and math. Test results allow states or regions to compare to one another.
How did North Carolina do? General speaking, 2013 results show little change from 2011. There were slight gains of one and two points for fourth and eighth grade reading scores but the gains are not statistically significant.
North Carolina’s fourth and eighth grade reading scores mirror national scores. For mathematics ,North Carolina’s average score (for fourth graders (245) was slightly above the national average (241). Math scores for North Carolina eighth graders (286) is considered statistically similar to the national average math score for eighth graders (284).
For additional information on North Carolina NAEP scores see here.
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