The North Carolina chapter of a national “Fix the Debt” coalition was launched in Raleigh. The new group wants immediate action in Congress to avoid the “fiscal cliff” approaching next year. The co-chairs include former Republican Governor Jim Holshouser, former Democratic Governor Jim Hunt and former GlaxoSmithKline CEO Bob Ingram. The steering committee includes people from both sides of the political spectrum. They didn’t endorse a specific plan to address the $16 trillion in national debt but the Simpson-Bowles plan came up a few times as a good example. They said it was the kind of comprehensive plan needed. Hunt, Holshouser and Ingram urged the lame duck Congress to start working on a bipartisan plan right away. They called for a “balanced” solution that would include more revenue. Part of the job of the new coalition is to convince voters in North Carolina to support a broad range of fixes. Holshouser was asked how Republicans could convince members of their party to forgive lawmakers in Washington who signed a pledge not to raise taxes if they violate that pledge. He and Ingram answered the question…
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