Attorney General Roy Cooper, in a letter to the Governor, asked him to veto the Voter ID legislation that was finally passed by the House and Senate yesterday. The Attorney General gave no legal reasons as to why he wanted the Governor to veto voter photo ID only political ones.
Cooper specifically spoke of voter photo ID calling it “unnecessary, expensive and burdensome.” Funny, Cooper evidently doesn’t realize that more than 70% of the people in North Carolina believe that showing an ID to vote just makes good common-sense.
The Attorney General also pointed to the part of the legislation that discontinued the practice of allowing voters who have had 50 days to vote, but chose to wait until the last day (Election Day) and then went to the wrong polling place. Just during the last few years have these voters been allowed to cast a ballot and have it count. The out-of-precinct ballot would have to be returned to the county office and board members would have to determine which of the races would be counted and not counted on every ballot cast in this way. This practice had become more commonplace and is a great example of something definitenly unnecessary, expensive and burdensome.
Thanks to the passage of HB 589, Voter Information Verification Act (VIVA), North Carolina has now taken the very first step to begin to repair an election system that was out-dated and so skewed to the left that liberals across the land would point to North Carolina as one of the most progressive (that means liberal) states when it comes to election laws. Little doubt Roy Cooper would like it to stay that way.
Absolutely AMAZING! We used to be a country of responsible voters. Everyone registered–usually when they turned 18. It was a big deal. Everyone knew where to go to vote. And guess what?We had ONE day to go to the freaking polls, 7am-6 or 7pm, to vote. Now we have people voting in the wrong places, voting different days while they vote multiple times, using absentee ballots (several of them) and then voting agin at the polls. I think it is great that they shorten the time back, and it should be shortened even further, In my opinion, if we are going to allow people to vote over a period of time at the polls, there is not a valid excuse for them to show up without being registered (not registering to vote the same day). They should be registered at least 30 days before if they want to vote. And, there is no reason for them to show up at the wrong place. And, if they are unprepared on he last day and somehow cannot vote, tough poop. Funniest thing, accountability… we know for four years, TO THE DAY, when the next election is going to be. If that doesn’t give you time to make arrangements then don’t be blaming one party or another or, racism, or the rain because you didn’t get to vote.It is YOUR OWN fault–even with requiring ID. They will be FREE at the DMV. So, ID: out of the way. Time: out of the way. No excuses but YOU if you don’t vote.
Why is Cooper still the AG? Better watch Brenda Marshall, she’s a whacko progressive.
Coop finally has exposed himself as a progressive ……the pull of the far left was just too great!!!
Attorney General Roy Cooper needs to go. There is nothing in this bill that inhibits anyone from voting unless they should not be voting anyway.
Seems no one in the state wishes to run against Roy…and the State party cannot or will not find someone to run.
Roy Cooper is a Democrat…..McCrory is a Republican…..guess how that is going to turn out!
Cooper has done some good things in his time in Office….but as in all things….it is time he returned to Private Practice and started earning a living.
Agreed Cooper need to go
The only alternative we have is to show him out if he decides to run for re-election in 2016. In the meantime, Governor McCrory and the Republican controlled legislature can keep him from doing any mischief.
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