If you’re like a majority of North Carolinians, odds are you may not be quite certain how much the government spends on educating the children of our state. And unfortunately, not being equipped with this knowledge places us at a disadvantage when it comes to engaging in meaningful discussions about K-12 education spending.
A recent Civitas poll found a significant majority of North Carolinians (70 percent) believe we don’t spend enough on education. However, this response isn’t surprising when 74 percent of those surveyed thought we spent less than we actually do per-pupil (48% said > $5,000 and 26% < $5,000 but > $9,000).
The average per-pupil expenditure in North Carolina public schools is $9,172. This is more than the average cost of a private school, according to a recent Yahoo article.
If you’re reading this post, chances are you’re someone that is either aware of or interested in how much the government spends on education. However, you likely know many people that are still in the dark on this topic. In hopes of educating the broader public on the state of school-related spending, and promoting a robust dialogue on the issue, Policy Director Bob Luebke is diving into the facts to help equip parents, grandparents, and concerned citizens. Watch the video below to learn more.