January 19th is the 45th annual March for Life gathering in Washington D.C. and it deserves more recognition. For 45 years since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion, large groups have assembled and marched on our nation’s capital with very little notoriety or media attention. The route appropriately ends at the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court. Their faithful presence year after year, usually in the bitter cold, seers the conscience of the nation.
It’s heartbreaking that we have lost almost 60 million Americans since the legalization of abortion. Simply put, a large presence of generations of Americans have been wiped out. The good news is that health technology, like ultrasound, has helped to wake up more and more Americans to life in the womb. The March for Life is growing too. Last year’s march attracted over half a million people and with Vice President Mike Pence speaking, it was the first time a member of a presidential administration addressed the event in person.
The event in some ways is a visible reminder of really the most tragic consequences of the sexual revolution. Abortion reminds us that the awful fruit of a secular liberal worldview is death and despair. However, March for Life takes all that brokenness and despair in this nation and puts together an amazingly uplifting and hopeful event.
No doubt another great legacy of the pro-life movement is that it is not that interested in politics. It’s people all over the country and world who make great sacrifices in their finances, their careers, and everyday life to raise awareness and protect the unborn. They are much more committed to the cause of life than the calling or cause of partisan politics.
One of the many tragedies of abortion is that it has become so politicized. Too many of us think of it as just another “issue” to rally for or against, but abortion is a practice that has severely wounded so many within the culture. But the politicization is dissipating, especially with young people who have been inundated with images of life in the womb from an early age. The tide is turning even if there is a long way to go. The Right to Life movement understands that the culture has to change in order for the politics of abortion to ultimately change. No doubt there’s a good lesson for all of us there.
“The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of good government,” declared Thomas Jefferson. I hope the March for Life reminds us that the right to life is the most basic of human rights and that a lot of progress too can be made for life by just witnessing and being present. It was just a few decades ago in the 1990s when polling for abortion support was at an all time high.
That hundreds of thousands people gather every year in Washington to say that there is something profoundly wrong with millions of their fellow Americans being wiped out will always be an important and powerful witness in this nation. The “least of these” demand, and more importantly, deserve such a voice.
George Zeller says
Civitas can even muck up this issue…sad.
Below is typical NCCivitas nonsense…shame on you.
“The event in some ways is a visible reminder of really the most tragic consequences of the sexual revolution.”
“Abortion reminds us that the awful fruit of a secular liberal worldview is death and despair.”
“They are much more committed to the cause of life than the calling or cause of partisan politics.”
“One of the many tragedies of abortion is that it has become so politicized.”
Larry says
George,we can read what Civitas said.We don’t need you to repeat it for us.You might at least say what is wrong with their thinking.You never have a thought of your own,it’s just you don’t like what Civitas says.That is pretty sad.I guess you are o.k. With selling of body parts also.
Scott says
Promote a March to protect life at conception, but please Ray, in no way dare write about the deportation of little ones and their parents who fled death squads in Central America (squads funded by Washington); funding for Children’s Health Insurance Programs; Health Care for the poor parents of the lives you care about; a Living Wage; the indiscriminate Terror of American Drones murdering children across the globe; or the millions of children who have died from American invasions and American support for Wars in the Middle East and Africa.
How many in America live in despair and die because they cannot afford Health Care Ray?
Your talk of Human Rights is total hypocrisy. And the pro-life movement is used as a political tool regularly. 2018 will probably be filled with Ballot initiatives to get out the vote for the GOP.
Larry says
I guess some people think it was a good idea to just ignore 911 and not go after the people that did it.They lament all those poor people that we kill because their crazies killed ours.Its a shame these kind of people seem to care so much more for people that want to kill us than they care about our own people.When I can go to Mexico and vote in their elections,demand free healthcare,wave the American flag,and if they ask for my papers,I can riot,attack police,and sue them, then I might be more tolerant of them doing that here.Until then,I am sick of these whiny people and especially sick of a political party that only wants them here for their vote.
Scott says
9/11 was a criminal act Larry, not a War. And if you haven’t heard by now, Iraq and Afghanistan did not attack the U.S. on 9/11.
There are only two parties that are involved in Imperial conquest Larry and I support neither one. You are the filthy supporter of the party that pimps Empire, not me.
Ron Paul stated exactly what I have above and he was booed by the audience of Republicons in a 2008 debate. Shameful arrogance and lies is all you folks have!
Larry says
Scott,I have the satisfaction of knowing that sane people agree with me.I guess you think that those peaceful Muslims that are killing people by the millions all over the world are just peaceful criminals.Its very nice that you only called me a liar this time and not ignorant and illiterate.Oh,I forgot you called me filthy and a pimp.You can go back to the closet now.
Scott says
I never called anyone ‘peaceful’ Larry. That is your vain attempt to bolster your ignorance of the fact that the US murders folks across the globe daily also.
And of course you also ignored the facts (which I stated) that the entire Iraq War was a lie, as was the invasion of Afghanistan.
There is nothing ‘sane’ about supporting murder of innocent people regardless of ideology, state, or country of origin. Every true Christian church (including the one that W. attended) denounced the Iraq War.
Debating you is futile. You are a Religious Fascist.
Larry says
You don’t debate Scott,you just call names and try to deny history.
Scott says
Nice Larry, you completely evaded the FACT that Christian churches (including the one that W. Bush attended) condemned the Iraq War before it began. And we later found out was a complete LIE based on plans that had been drawn up before 9/11.
You support the corrupt 2 party duopoly that pimps Empire and uses Jesus as a prop to deceive.
The historical facts I have posted are 100% true and correct.
Larry says
Your some called facts are a joke,like you,closet boy.
Scott says
I see what you did there Larry, evaded facts and pulled out the GOP playbook by attempting to disparage me. You are anti-American and anti-Christian.
Hope you enjoy cheerleading the next LIE aka War with your immoral ‘sane’ friends and the pimps in the Corporate Media who love War and cheerlead with you.
Larry says
Nobody evades facts more than you,Scott.You have done an excellent job of disparaging yourself.Is everything and everybody a pimp to you?Its getting really old.With your pro gay,pro abortion views don’t talk to me about being anti Christian and your pro marxist garbage makes you a definite anti American.