I found it quite ironic that Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton openly criticized the a bonus given to the CEO of ExxonMobil in 2005 today while addressing a group of labor union leaders.
What Dalton failed to also tell those labor members is that he has owned more than $10,000 worth of ExxonMobil stock for over 10 years according to his economic interest statement. Download his full economic interest statement here (1MB .tif file): Download DaltonSEI
So he's outraged by the pay package given to the CEO, but not quite mad enough to cash in his share of the profits?
Exxon's (Ticker: XOM) dividend has paid roughly $1.50 a share the past few years and Dalton's initial investment in 1991 has increased in value more than 500% over the past 17 years.
So Dalton will talk a tough game on corporate compensation when pandering to the labor unions, but secretly hopes for Exxon's windfall profits to continue in order to pad his own portfolio.
You could argue he wanted even MORE dividends for himself instead of extra $ going to the CEO. And NOT that he is doing anything, but in order to vote for a change, he would need to be a stockholder.