For some reason, Gov. Perdue has been selected by the National Governor’s Association to its Economic Development and Commerce Committee.
The NGA must be desperate. Consider Perdue’s resume on jobs: According the state Employment Security Commission, from Jan. 2009 when she took office to June 2011 (latest data available):
- Total employment in NC has dropped by 138,900 jobs – a contraction of 3.5%
- The number of unemployed in NC has risen by 22,243, a 5.2% increase
- The employment to population ratio in the state dropped from 58.9% to 55.8%
- The percentage of North Carolinians participating in the labor force (either working or actively seeking work) dropped from 64.9% to 61.9%
Greg Sumner
I must comment on this. That is just like Gov. Bev appointed Keith Crisco as the NC secretary of commerce to help bring jobs to NC. This was after Crisco lobbied for CAFTA, then packed up Asheboro Elastics and all of his Randolph county employee’s jobs and moved his company to the Domincan Republic. Once again un-ethical behavior is rewarded with political office. The people should be wise and throw them all out! Actions like these is the reason un-employment in NC continues to be a growing concern. But, the dems are not the only ones to blame. I’ve been trying to get approval to build a Micro-Hydroelectric plant, yet the so called house and senate representatives do not even have the curtisy to respond to my feasibility plan for GREEN ENERGY! Read reciept to Brubaker the feasibility plan was deleted without even being opened. These so called officials would not know opportunity if it ran over them.
Good example of rhetoric over substance. If you talk a big enough game about jobs, apparently your actual record doesn’t matter. Lord knows NC doesn’t need to export Perdue-style economic development (corporate handouts).