“People should be able to make their own choices about how they want to live.” That’s the mantra anyway of progressives sand the Left. We’re told that society needs to respect the choices of all people. People need to be free to be who they are – including those with same-sex attraction and transgender individuals.
It’s an appealing argument for many and it’s an argument the Left hammers. But does the left really believe it? That’s the question Walt Heyer raises in a provocative article, Freedom to Change Your Life: Why the Government Shouldn’t Ban “Reparative Therapy.” The article appears on the web site Public Discourse.
Heyer says the Left is only committed to rhetoric of personal freedom – as long as you agree with certain outcomes. The language of freedom is merely a tool the LGBT community uses to ensure its larger goals are met.
What does he mean?
In his article Heyer notes how the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and two other groups are out to crush the rights of same-sex individuals who don’t want to act on same-sex attractions, or those who seek to minimize or even change the attraction.
Heyer writes:
On February 24th, the SPLC and other LGBT Organizations filed a formal complaint with the Federal Trade Commission designed to silence People Can Change (PCC), an organization whose clients seek help in dealing with their same-sex attractions. Four liberal lawmakers added their names to the complaint in an all-out effort to penalize anyone who would offer therapies called “reparative therapy” or “conversion therapy” to anyone who freely asks for it.
The action reflects nothing less than a deep-seated hatred of anyone who would seek to not act on same-sex attractions as well as those that offer the therapies to individuals to those who wish to do so. The legal action clearly seeks to take away the civil rights and freedoms of those that seek therapy for same-sex attraction and do not seek to engage the homosexual lifestyle.
SLPC and the other plaintiffs clearly seek to bar PCC from listing the testimonies of people who have received the therapies and are now leading productive lives.
So where is the left’s commitment to individual freedom? It’s illusory and trumped by a larger agenda. Again Heyer writes:
The agenda is abundantly clear, because the linchpin of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender civl rights deception rests squarely on the misleading narrative that people are “born that way” [and] anything that threatens their storyline must be discredited and destroyed.
Anyone who wants not to act on same-sex attractions, or seeks to minimize and even eliminate them, will be blocked from finding help.
Any who has successfully lived out chastity, will be ostracized and marginalized.
Any organization that dares to point to objective results from people who have made progress with their sexual attractions will be silenced and financially destroyed.
Any evidence that shows that a person is not born homosexual, or that a person is not born transgender, will be banished and outlawed.
Clearly the testimonies of numerous same-sex attracted and transgender people like myself who live our new, changed lives are the evidence that invalidates the LGBT narrative of “born that way”. Restored lives are living proof that change is possible.
The targeting of PCC is only the beginning. For activist groups like the SPLC, each small victory builds on the previous wins and is used as “evidence” in the next case filed against the pro-counseling group. For example the SPLC pulls in gender–identify counseling in its complaint, even though PCC focuses on same sex attraction. The SPLC is conflating sexual attraction counseling with gender-identity counseling, saying that transgender people can’t change back to their birth gender, in order to set up a tart for the next complaint
If the Left and the LGBT community are truly concerned about individual freedom and respect for the individual, why do they continue to marshal resources to strip away the civil and human rights of those in the LGBT community who think differently?
It’s a question we should thank Walt Heyer for asking and it deserves an answer.
Nope. Collective privilege for perverts and predators and totalitarian oppression against anyone who opposes these goose-steppers’ privileges is their true goal. All Lawless Godless Bathroom Troll advocacy groups should be treated like hate groups, because that’s what they are.
These bathrooms are a smoke screen.What these queers want is for everybody to be forced to say they are normal.That is not going to happen with the majority of people.