This story about Larry Leake is just the latest in a long growing list of reasons why he should resign immediately. He has been on the board for far too long and it is time to go. By inserting himself into an ongoing investigation he has disqualified himself from sitting as a member of the board that would eventually hear any evidence of the investigation if it came to a hearing. He is on the board – he is not an SBOE staff person or investigator.
Leake has served for too many years on the board and it is past time to give someone else a turn. But his political connections which run deep in Madison County in the west and his services as a fundraiser for Gov. Easley and others have kept him in a position that allows him to potentially punish his enemies and protect his friends. To this we can now add WASTING tax dollars for personal comfort!
It is time to for Larry Leake to go.
Don Yelton says
hello and glad to see you agree with my sign that I held at the hearing in Asheville. Leake has lied and we caught him at it. stay tuned to Citizens Speak. He also said that it it not uncommon for Statutes and the administrative orders to conflict.
Leake must go.
Bryan Bennett says
I agree with Don. Leake has to go. Perdue needs further investigation and charges for what she has done as well. Easley should have gotten more then a slap on the wrist. NC needs to clean house!
Unaffiliated Voter says
I don’t understand why McCrory has not already gotten rid of this scoundrel from Madison County. He is a longtime criminal democrackkk who needs to be disbarred – truths be known…get rid of him now! Let’s look at Dumplin too!
Mark Franklin says
If anyone could email me any information about Leake, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!!
He’s now a judge, and has to go!!
Rick says
Well folks here’s some dirt on Leake that you probably Haven’t heard yet. When I was 13 My female friend two doors down was 16 and working at a fast food restaurant in Asheville she starts getting these chilling and scary anonymous phone calls the man says he’s been watching her he knows what she did that day he starts calling her frequently telling her what she did each day during the day obviously She is being watched and observed she was told not to tell her parents or anyone that he was calling her or he would burn Her families house down time went on same stuff happening she finally broke and told her father He got the police involved They did a sting on Mr Leake into a restaurant where her and a friend were eating he thought he was going to leave with her until the police surrounded and popped him It was on the citizen times paper and the news look it up I’m sure it’s there Of course with Mr Leak’s money and power it blew over not even a slap on the wrist kind of like he does now I was terrified just being her friend thinking her house was gonna get burned down what a evil rotten disgusting man that is He needs to be taken out of the judicial system or just I say no more