Do you gentle blog readers think we should delete or alter this post as the Senate President Pro Tem’s Office is "respectfully" requesting? Let us know what you think… Doesn’t the NC Senate Leader’s office have more important issues to deal with like Mental Health Reform and Transportation?
So is it safe to assume, by omission, that the Prez. Pro Tem’s office is okay with these statements?:
“Most effective at getting road money away from places that need it? … Most effective at steering legislation, silencing internal dissent, or what?”
Oh, that IS rich.
So far, they’re only “asking” if you would delete it. Of course, the threat of force is certainly implied by that signature block. I wonder how far they will go to shut you up…
Facts are facts!
Raleigh has let the citizens of this great state down and need to focus on the REAL ISSUES that are detimental and of concern to the health and welfare of the state.
OK, Max, I will ask the obvious:
How many more legislative Democrats have to go to prison for backdoor deals and quid pro quo arrangements before this genius would think that it is appropriate to comment upon it?
Indeed. I never even made an affirmative statement. I merely asked the question (hence the question mark). But somebody needs to start asking these questions. The media have given these folks a pass.
The Democrat doth protest too much, methinks.
It means that a) they are doing intel by reading your blog and b) your comments hit close to home. Very close.
If they are going to try to censor you they should at least spell your last name correctly.
You seem to be under the impression, however, that a squabbling, fractured Republican Party in the minority somehow could manage to muster any degree of effectiveness.
Or shall we go down the list of “effective” Republicans and burn them as traitors. Wait — that’ll happen on its own if recent history can be taken as precedent.