Two mailers in the Hagan Tillis race have hit mailboxes in the last few days appear to violate federal and state laws:
1. They do not Identify who paid for the mailer as required by federal law (FEC)
2. They likely violated state lobbying laws as they are soliciting others to call a state official (Speaker Thom Tillis) to impact a legislative action. If you contact a certain number of people or spend a certain amount to do such lobbying you have to report your expenditures to the NC Secretary of State Lobbying Compliance Division.
There have been a lot of folks playing fast and lose with the rules this year. But hey, if your intentions or good, no foul!
Yep, I got these in the mail yesterday. I remember kvetching to my wife about how these didn’t have the “paid for by” on them. Of course, whoever sent them must’ve been a doofus or bought a bad list b/c I’m a high-propensity/hard-conservative voter. These flyers were wasted on me.
I too got one of each and we just shredded them…a waste of money for sure seeing that both are part of their parties “establishment wings /arms” all this does is yet again..makes voters hold their noses when voting…
Come on people (Francis)
You all fell for this….
They send out a BS mailer to HIGH profile GOP voters(maybe 500-100) that KNOW the laws…. Without a Disclaimer ……………. SO a News story can be done on the NO disclaimer and the mailer will get State wide attention….. This is a Political trick from the 1980’s…. WOW