Civitas has obtained a copy of the permit issued by Raleigh’s Capital Police to the three illegal immigrants camping out on state property. That’s right — Capital Police issued the three illegal immigrants a permit. Thus, the state of North Carolina is complicit in allowing admitted illegal immigrants to camp out on property owned by the taxpayers.
Law enforcement agencies know that these three illegal immigrants are in fact illegal yet refuse to enforce the law. The individuals readily admit their immigration status.
An additional note: one of the individuals has a degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It might be interesting to know where Governor Perdue and our Legislators stand on the issue of self-admitted illegal immigrants camping on state property and the fact the illegal immigrants are graduating from our state-funded universities. Below is video of the campsite:
Jason Sutton is obviously a racist hatemonger. How else could he think that a human being could be illegal? It is plain to see that it would totally inhumane and racist to not supply everyone who wants to come to this country with a degree from a top-ranked university and free use of public property to whine and complain about the fact that they don’t have more free stuff. I thumb my nose at you sir.
Yes, this post is not racist at all…. *sarcasm*
You’re a disgusting person.
The goal of this post was not to whip up racial tensions. In fact, there is no mention of race in the post at wall. Using the word “siesta” was to draw attention to the article so that the people of North Carolina might know that their state is handing our permits to people who are in this country illegally. Furthermore, the post does not even take a stance on the DREAM Act. Per federal law, it is illegal for any undocumented person to be in this country and because the state was made aware that these 3 people are, in fact, undocumented, it is complicit in their presence. I welcome immigrants to this country – they have plenty to give to America and I empathize people who want to come to this great country. I do, however, wish that individuals would legally immigrate.
Yes, drawing attention by whipping up racial tension.
If you were worried about the government being complicit in their presence, why haven’t you complained about the IRS giving illegal immigrants 9-digit ITIN numbers so they can pay income tax, get jobs, get credit cards and take out mortgages?