Then why can’t Governor Perdue fly commercial every once in a while?
British Prime Minister David Cameron trekked across the pond on a commercial British Airways flight and saved his country $300,000 in travel costs according to The Sun.
Yet, NC Governor Bev Perdue continues to hopscotch around the state and nation in a Department of Commerce, taxpayer funded airplane.
June 28: Governor Perdue takes the jet from New Bern up to the Southern Regional Education Board meeting at the swanky Greenbrier resort in West Virginia. (And conveniently, has it drop her off back in Raleigh).
July 9: Perdue jets off to attend Governor’s Association Meeting in Boston… she once again has the taxpayer funded jet pick her up from her home in New Bern.
She’s even taken the jet to fly to such far away destinations as Jacksonville, NC.
The list goes on and on over her past year and a half in office.
So with the state having to make “massive” “destructive” cuts to education and human services, why does the Governor continue to insist on flying around on a private jet when flying commercial (or just taking a car) will do?
Does she just not care about the cost? Does she not (gasp!) care about the environment?
If British PM David Cameron can hop on a commercial jet (and fly in Business Class, no less), then Gov. Perdue can surely park the taxpayers’ airplane and buy a ticket on American Airlines every once in a while. Heck, I’ll even buy her a bag of NC peanuts for the trip.
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