The unhinged and economically illiterate Gene Nichol, head of the taxpayer-funded propaganda mill known as the Poverty Center at UNC-Chapel Hill (an outfit created as a John Edwards project) is at it again in the pages of the N&O.
This time Nichol’s article is an overly dramatic and thoughtless diatribe on income inequality. His main point seems to be to criticize recent fiscal reforms in NC as being unfair to the poor and advantaging the rich. To characterize these reforms, Nichol refers to them as “Trickle down on steroids.”
With this reference Nichol re-confirms what most already know about him: he knows nothing of basic economics. As I blogged previously, “trickle down” is a fabricated straw man designed to smear opponents, which Thomas Sowell (an actual economist) calls “the biggest lie in politics.”
But that may not be the most grievous offense Nichol commits.
Not only is Nichol an elitist who believes that – in spite of him being a state employee – he should be exempt from public records laws, he also lives in a household that rakes in more than $600,000 a year in your taxpayer dollars.
Anybody else find it troubling to be lectured about income inequality by a rich elitist getting fat off your tax dollars?
LayintheSmakDown says
I was already troubled with Barry up in the WH spouting the same rhetoric while flying his 747 all over the place. This Nichol dude is just a local version of the same concept, too bad he does not have to actually go out and make a real job for himself.
Bobby Poon says
The truth is not what they are after.”It’s the “defining challenge of our time,” declared President Obama, referring to income inequality in the American economy” Spoken like a true Marxist. As if they actually wanted to fix the problem and then alienate their carefully cultivated voting plantations. No sir, haven’t heard any of this crap before in history.
ChrisInFranklin says
More of John Edwards’ “Two Americas” crapola.