How to Fix the Budget Process

If you were king for the day, at least at the North Carolina Legislature, what you do about the budget process?

Representative John Blust has a few ideas in this regard as detailed by Under the Dome.

Here are the cliff notes:

Three-Fifths Vote to raise or create taxes. 'Nuff said.

Zero-Based Budgeting. Looks at the whole budget not just the increase.

Line item veto. Allow the Governor to strike out individual passages in the budget without vetoing the whole thing.

Citizens Efficiency Commission. Allows an independent group to target wasteful programs. 

Reform Legislative Budget Process. Give lawmakers a real 3 day window to review the proosed budget before voting on it and keep them from changing other laws via the budget.

Blust has been a vocal critic of how the legislature is run and is often dismissed by those in power.  It is helpful to remember some wise words: A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and in his own house.