(Note: over at NC Capitol Connection, Matt Caulder has an exclusive interview with Heidi Cruz. To see it, click here.)
We are in a crisis, but to survive we have to rally behind a president who is committed to the Constitution, Heidi Cruz, wife of the Texas senator, told CLC Saturday.
“We only win when we get behind the voters,” she said, and the party must realize that.
That’s why she has been on the campaign trail for so long — so that she’s noticed how much alike a certain chain’s hotels are.
She points to how Cruz won his first election in Texas. “They saw in Ted someone with a backbone in conservative principles,” she said.
What she fell in love with about him matters for the election, she said.
He grew up with conservative principles. “Do you know where Ted’s steel backbone comes from? His mother.”
He talked about those principles when she first knew him. “I could see this was a man with real courage,” she said. He was willing to sacrifice popularity in Congress if it meant standing up for his principles.
“Ted is incredibly thoughtful,” she said. “He is still low-key.”
“His family comes from humble beginnings,” she added.
As president he will make the U.S. military the strongest ever. But … “no more nation building.”
He will cut taxes and regulation, with the flat tax being a key element. “Republicans always say they will cut regulation … But Ted will use presidential powers to cut the size of the regulatory state.”
He will protect our constitutional rights, from the First Amendment to the Tenth. In Texas, he successfully fought for constitutional rights, she said.
Would he try to find a Supreme Court justice candidate who could slip through the Senate? No, a President Cruz would say, “Let’s get someone good enough for [voters], and drive them through the Senate!”
Look at Arizona: tightening immigration laws has led to higher wages. Cruz will clamp down on illegal immigration, she said.
Voters know Cruz will follow through, not merely vent anger, Mrs. Cruz concluded.
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