The controversy over the new state privacy law is way overblown, Civitas President Francis De Luca said in an opinion column for a local television station.
“On April 1, 2016 nothing in North Carolina cities and counties will be any different than it was on March 1, 2016,” he wrote. “This is true even with all of the breathless activists’ protests, CEO pronunciations and signatures on letters, and threats of boycotts from out-of-state politicians.”
To find out why, click here.
It might be wise for people to read HB2 and come to their own opinion rather of relying on the rhetoric of Mr. Luca…but it has never been in the best interest of NCCivitas to encourage close reading!
It might be wise for people to read HB2 and come to their own opinion rather of relying on the rhetoric of George or Lonnie… but it has never been in the best interest of leftards to encourage close reading!
Pandering to bigotry comes with high cost.
The extremist conservatives had better start walking back their insane
The extreme conservatives better start walking back their insane base.
Bank of America sucks anyway.Let them go.
Spoken like a true conservative, who puts ideaogy over the jobs, lives, income and prosperity of NC citizens.
Spoken like a true liberal who puts ideaogy over the safety of woman and children in bathrooms.The Governor and the people of this state are not walking it back so you and those queers should just hold your breath waiting for it to happen.70% of the people are going to send Roy Cooper to the house with his queer buddies.
The general public is at greater risk from GOP politicans than transgender citizens in public restrooms.
The governor’s race cannot be gerrymandered, voters will stand in long lines, created by conservative law makers, to supress voting rights and vote for Roy Cooper in as Governor.
More on the Jim Crow mentality
“Just glance at the debates over the “bathroom bills” that would force people to use facilities not according to their internal gender identity but according to the sex written on their birth certificate. Proponents of these laws, so reminiscent of the segregation measures of the Jim Crow era, claim they are just looking out for women’s safety. When it is pointed out that there is zero evidence of a safety issue when trans women use women’s rooms and extensive evidence of the violence they face if they use men’s rooms, proponents instead invoke people’s right to privacy. Privacy from what — from the presence of those who may be sexually drawn to them? Do they then want gay men using women’s rooms and lesbians using men’s rooms? The arguments are so transparently contradictory that it quickly becomes clear that the issue is not one of safety or privacy; it is simply about the way trans people look — especially those who do not conform to the gender binary.”
I have just visited this website last week. Lonnie, aka Gomer, seems to be active on the Civitas site for some strange reason with his drivel replies to comments from others who do not agree to his rhetoric. I do know from friends in the High Country that he is a member of the Watauga Democrat party and is the designated photographer for their website. I am trying to figure out why he would want to spend time on the Civitas site and make may comments at all times of the day including 12:02AM this morning and again at 7:16AM. Not much time for sleeping. Seems a little weird to me that a known Democrat liberal would want to spend so much time on a conservative website. I do not know if wife Ada knows that he is spending so much of his time being critical to other comments made when he might want to pay attention to her especially after midnight. But Jerry Wayne has instilled in his mind to put out his drivel and he cannot help himself any longer. Will not comment anymore but get a bag of popcorn and a beer and read his future comments.
Did you have any factual information to add to the public policy discussion on the damage the HB2 legislation is doing to the NC economy and the reputation of North Carolina being part of the New South? Civitas Institute, ALEC and Theocracy groups seem determined to fan the embers of Jim Crow injustice back to a roaring inferno of hate and discrimination.
Yeah, citing that bigoted fascist hate rag run by gaystapo goose-steppers really makes the case… for dumping all of you Ernst Rohm worshiping lunatics into an insane asylum and throwing away the key.
Since you’re just repeating the same leftard lies over and over and over again, let’s recap a few proofs that you gaystapo goose-steppers are completely out of touch with reality on all points.
First: more than 300 businesses (the majority of them NOT subsidized by the state the way so many of the hypocritical corporate-welfare-sucking parasites opposing girls’ and women’s privacy and security are) support McCrory’s action:
The writer of Charlotte’s unpopular ordnance is a sex offender:
Gee, what could possibly go wrong with letting guys pretending to be gals into girls’ and women’s bathroom?
Lyin’ leftard Lonnie would sure love to do to N.C. what his child-abusing gaytapo has already done to Seattle:
Toronto: another place eager to enable sex offenders through tranny privilege laws!
But… But those are just isolated incidents, right? Two incidents of exhibitionism/molestation/rape don’t prove that the haters of HB2 are really just trying to enable more predators in the bathroom do they?
Au contraire. Since lyin’ Lonnie the reality-illiterate idiot obviously won’t read that Ricochet article I just posted, I’ll just have to post a few of the links from it here. Here’s one “isolated incident” for those liars at the (Sexual Predation) Advocate:
Just another isolated incident, people:
No really, it’s an isolated incident!
Isolated incident:
Stop confusing voyeur and exhibitionist enablers like the Advocate (of hate) and lyin’ Lonnie with the facts from these isolated incidents!
Curse you, isolated incident! Curse you for undermining our false narrative!
Isolated incident! Besides, hateful gaystapo goose-steppers know way better than you cis-genders what’s good for you!
Stop accusing perverts and their enablers of being the criminals they are! It’s just another isolated incident:
Restroom rape never happens! It’s just an isolated incident! The goose-stepping gaystapo’s Advocate says so!
So, lyin’ Lonnie, when are you going to stop spewing your bigotry, hatred, and lies against your true moral superiors? Oh, right: never, because there’s no such thing as a good leftard; the dead ones are currently gnashing their teeth and shaking their fists at God for sending them to where they belong in the Lake of Fire, as they will for all eternity.
Say hi to Ernst Röhm when you get there, Lonnie. I think you’ll find that his S.A. and your gaystapo have an amazing amount of ideology in common.
Another refutation against lyin’ Lonnie and his gaystapo goose-stepper fake-gender-pushing bathroom bandits:
Larry and Pinto…why argue with these idiots…it doesn’t work…no matter what you say or do…no matter what facts are presented…there is something inherently wrong with liberals…there truly is…I’m not trying to be funny…nor am
I trying to insult….they have a very limited thought process and next to no depth at all…they are lost and so is the country…
How will children be safer if conservatives are pushing a false narrative as to where pedophiles are likely to molest a child or who is likely to be a pedophile?
Transgender citizens seem to be the least likely people to be pedophiles and public restrooms are the least likely place for such a crime to take place.
Transsexual is a mental disease called sexual dystopia. If some one is mentally ill, say with depression, we don’t tell them they are worthless and should go ahead and off themselves. So why are we promoting this illness that only affects less than 3% of our population and at the same time making the other 97% uncomfortable. This is insanity. This is a personal problem, deal with it and quit making the rest of us suffer. They need to face up to the fact they are not normal, never will be, and being able to select whichever bathroom they want to use will NOT solve their personnel issues.
Beware of those who offer scapegoats.
Beware of those who are total morons.
I totally agree with you except old false narrative thinks if he trolls long enough,normal people will give up and let the freaks win.That is what has been happening.That is why all those large companies have been on the freaks side of everything.The Lonnie’s of the world know that if they rant and rave long enough they will get their way.It is time to put a stop to this crap,we need to show these companies and politicians we aren’t taking it anymore.
Since when do you child abusers of the left care about the general well-being of women and children? Oh right, you don’t: you want “straight” rapists and molesters pretending to “identify” as women to get legal cover to enter girls’ and women’s bathrooms. In fact, you’re probably perverted enough to be one of those “straight” molesters, just like the sex offender who wrote that Charlotte ordinance, aren’t you? Don’t look now, perverts, but your ulterior motives are showing!
Yeah, dudes actually suffering from delusions of femininity are awfully rare; certainly too rare to justify trying to force an entire city’s population to pander to their delusions. I’m sure the number of exhibitionists, voyeurs, molesters, and rapists supporting your oppressive fascist cause greatly outnumbers the tiny smattering of trannies you’re pretending to care about. Such is the way of all fascist leftards: pretend to care a lot about a tiny minority’s minor discomfort in order to justify oppressing the vast majority of ordinary citizens with totalitarian power grabs like the Charlotte ordinance.
Speaking of pretending to care about trannies, anyone remember that freakjob Rachel Dolezal who “identified” as black? Remember how the hate group known as the NAACP dumped her the moment her delusions became an embarrassment to them?
Yeah, what the hate-mongering bigots of the left (like Lonnie) did for “trans-racial” Rachel, it’ll certainly do for the other trannies just as soon as they stop being useful to NAMBLA and GLSEN and all the other goose-stepping child-abusing hate groups who make up the entire support base of Hillary and Bernie’s fascist party.
By the way, Tarheel, I think you meant “sexual dysphoria” in your post. A sexual dystopia is what leftards like lyin’ Lonnie are trying to impose on us, among other kinds of dystopia. If you can, you really need to turn off the auto-correct function on your browser and/or cellphone; my browser is currently underlining both terms with red squiggles.
The Charlotte law allows any man, not just a transgender into women’s locker rooms. A trans man who walks into a women’s locker room and exposes himself to underage females only cares about himself, He has no regard for the rights of others. Any God fearing LBGT would always put the interests of others above his own interest.
No one addressed this issue.
How will children be safer if conservatives are pushing a false narrative as to where pedophiles are likely to molest a child or who is likely to be a pedophile?
Transgender citizens seem to be the least likely people to be pedophiles and public restrooms are the least likely places for such a crime to take place.
The more you try, the more you make our case – thanks. Francis
Since you obviously can’t read, here’s the posted that addressed your “issue” again:
Since when do you child abusers of the left care about the general well-being of women and children? Oh right, you don’t: you want “straight” rapists and molesters pretending to “identify” as women to get legal cover to enter girls’ and women’s bathrooms. In fact, you’re probably perverted enough to be one of those “straight” molesters, just like the sex offender who wrote that Charlotte ordinance, aren’t you? Don’t look now, perverts, but your ulterior motives are showing!
Yeah, dudes actually suffering from delusions of femininity are awfully rare; certainly too rare to justify trying to force an entire city’s population to pander to their delusions. I’m sure the number of exhibitionists, voyeurs, molesters, and rapists supporting your oppressive fascist cause greatly outnumbers the tiny smattering of trannies you’re pretending to care about. Such is the way of all fascist leftards: pretend to care a lot about a tiny minority’s minor discomfort in order to justify oppressing the vast majority of ordinary citizens with totalitarian power grabs like the Charlotte ordinance.
Speaking of pretending to care about trannies, anyone remember that freakjob Rachel Dolezal who “identified” as black? Remember how the hate group known as the Nazi-P dumped her the moment her delusions became an embarrassment to them?
Yeah, what the hate-mongering bigots of the left (like Lonnie) did for “trans-racial” Rachel, it’ll certainly do for the other trannies just as soon as they stop being useful to NAMBLA and GLSEN and all the other goose-stepping child-abusing hate groups who make up the entire support base of Hillary and Bernie’s fascist party.
Since you obviously can’t read, here’s the post that addressed your “issue” again:
Since when do you child abusers of the left care about the general well-being of women and children? Oh right, you don’t: you want “straight” rapists and molesters pretending to “identify” as women to get legal cover to enter girls’ and women’s bathrooms. In fact, you’re probably perverted enough to be one of those “straight” molesters, just like the sex offender who wrote that Charlotte ordinance, aren’t you? Don’t look now, perverts, but your ulterior motives are showing!
Yeah, dudes actually suffering from delusions of femininity are awfully rare; certainly too rare to justify trying to force an entire city’s population to pander to their delusions. I’m sure the number of exhibitionists, voyeurs, molesters, and rapists supporting your oppressive fascist cause greatly outnumbers the tiny smattering of trannies you’re pretending to care about. Such is the way of all fascist leftards: pretend to care a lot about a tiny minority’s minor discomfort in order to justify oppressing the vast majority of ordinary citizens with totalitarian power grabs like the Charlotte ordinance.
Speaking of pretending to care about trannies, anyone remember that freakjob Rachel Dolezal who “identified” as black? Remember how the hate group known as the NAACP dumped her the moment her delusions became an embarrassment to them?
Yeah, what the hate-mongering bigots of the left (like Lonnie) did for “trans-racial” Rachel, it’ll certainly do for the other trannies just as soon as they stop being useful to NAMBLA and GLSEN and all the other goose-stepping child-abusing hate groups who make up the entire support base of Hillary and Bernie’s fascist party.
Remember, goose-stepper: the more you repeat your lies about us, the more we’ll repeat the truth about you.
The cost of your Joseph Goebbels ( Propaganda Minister for Hitler’s Third Reich ) scheme is going to be very high. We both know this had nothing to do with bathrooms or safety.
You have successfully generated hate against innocent citizens, you can be proud of that success.
Niki Haley had the good sense not to participate in your scheme.
Lonnie false narrative,
These queer Mayors never bought anything from N.C. anyway.They can go pound sand for all I care.Lowe’s will rue the day they got involved in this.I guarantee they will lose a lot of business because of this.59 per cent nation wide of people are against tranny bathrooms and they will let their wallets do the talking.I went to Lowes in Florida and asked when their bathrooms will be opened to both sexes.They said they didn’t know but a lot of people had asked about it and said when it happened they won’t be back.
The Jim Crow era segregated restroom in the South got a similar reaction.
How do you think you will know you’re sharing a restroom with a transgender person? How often to you try to invade the other person’s privacy by peeping?
Think Larry, Think! Stop being so damn lazy. Don’t you have a smart grandchild that can explain this to you?
HB2 is not about bathrooms but about taking worker’s rights and motivating evangelical voters this fall using fear, bigotry, hate and a false narrative.
Still obsessed with gaining access to the little girls’ room, bathroom bandit? Tough luck: you and your child-molesting GLSEN gaystapo goose-stepper buddies are not going to be allowed to install cameras to spy on my clever little 6-year-old little niece as she tinkles no matter how you foam at the mouth and pretend to care about deranged dudes with delusions of femininity. Even at her tender age, she can already see you misanthropic perverts are the real danger to her privacy and safety, not her beloved uncle who keeps child-molestation advocates like you from invading her bathroom. Your fascist opposition to HB2 is not about trannies at all, about about violating small businesses’ liberties, giving sexual predators (like the convicted sex offender who wrote your Charlotte ordinance) legal cover to invade girl’s and women’s bathrooms and motivating your fellow pervert supremacist thugs this November using fear, bigotry, hate, and your blatantly false narrative.
Still obsessed with gaining access to the little girls’ room, bathroom bandit? Tough luck: you and your child-molesting GLSEN gaystapo goose-stepper buddies are not going to be allowed to install cameras to spy on my clever little 6-year-old little niece as she tinkles no matter how you foam at the mouth and pretend to care about deranged dudes with delusions of femininity. Even at her tender age, she can already see you misanthropic perverts are the real danger to her privacy and safety, not her beloved uncle who keeps child-molestation advocates like you from invading her bathroom. Your fascist opposition to HB2 is not about trannies at all, but about violating small businesses’ liberties, giving sexual predators (like the convicted sex offender who wrote your Charlotte ordinance) legal cover to invade girl’s and women’s bathrooms and motivating your fellow pervert supremacist thugs this November using fear, bigotry, hate, and your blatantly false narrative.
You can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
“BREAKING: Bruce Springsteen Cancels North Carolina Show Over Anti-LGBT Law HB2”
‘Some Things Are More Important Than a Rock Show and This Fight Against Prejudice and Bigotry Is One of Them,’ Says Rock Icon
Bye bye, bigoted Bruce! Don’t let the door hit you where the scalpel split you!
Now let’s see if we can drive a few of the other parasitic bigots and haters like him out of our state:
Remember, people, these sex-offender-enabling laws Lonnie and his fellow misogynist child-abusers want to cram down our throats have never actually enabled sex offenders anywhere…
…except for, you know, places where the gaystapo goose-steppers actually implemented them:
A black man agrees “chicks” with dicks should not be allowed in girls’ and women’s rooms:
Check your pervert privilege, trannies! This dude insists that he’s a penguin:
This one’s a giraffe:
This gal’s a trans-sloth:
And this “transracial” gal “identifies” as black:
It’s hard to tell if Lonnie wants to be a possum or child molester.Is it not amazing he wants all these rights for these freaks but no rights for the millions of unborn children the Democrats kill every year.They want no rights for these children right up to the moment of birth.If the woman has a headache we need to get rid of that baby.I guess freaks really stick together and say false narrative all day.
Liberals, believe in personal freedom, which includes a woman’s right to choose. Women have a constitutional right to have a safe abortion, that’s settle law. Abortions did not begin 40 years ago but safe abortions did come with the SCOTUS Roe v Wade decision.
Conservatives are not “Pro Life ” but pro birth, once the infant is out of the mother’s womb Conservatives are only interested in sending the child to jail or to war but not, child care, living wages for the parents, public education, job training, healthcare or higher education.
Humanity, ethics, compassion, justice and opportunity for all, are not values we associate with conservative ideology.
I guessed that get a stupid response from you,and I was right.Here is something else for you to chew on.When Bush left office the tax revenues were 2.1 trillion a year and the debt was 10.6 trillion.Now with Ostupid,tax revenues are 3.2 trillion and the debt is closing in on 20 trillion.So he raised taxes by 50 % and doubled the debt.Now you know why I call him Ostupid.Now,why I call you stupid is you voted for this idiot and you are going to vote for an old idiot that is a big fan of the Soviets and Castro.
I see you like behaving like a disruptive elementary school kid and using language”Stupid” from that immature stage of life.
To address your comment would require schooling you in math, economics, tax law and politics, I don’t have that kind of time. I’m sure you elementary school teachers wished they could have done a better job despite great effort on their part.
Here’s the numbers for President Obama below in a nice easy format for you to study. Keep in mind President Obama faced Conservative Obstructionist in congress who said ” Our number one goal is to make sure President Obama is a one term president .”
Conservatives failed at that as they failed the American people for not making America their number one goal. Obama could be reelected by a landslide if it were legal for a third term.
Here’s your link
You are just too lazy or stupid to look closer on what you post.That web site says Food Stamps are up 41%,Federal debt is up 121%,consumer prices are up 12.2%,and home ownership is down 3.7%.which one of those are you most proud of?Great Link,Lonnie.
Those are probably all true, wages are so low full time workers need food stamps because major multinational corporations let taxpayers supplement the gap between what they pay a worker and what is needed to live. People without living wages, don’t buy much including homes. Most Bush era tax cuts for the rich have not been repealed and the Bush wars did not end when Obama took office. Republicans insist on paying $2,000,000 per prisoner to keep GITMO open when they could be moved to US prisons for about $60,000 per person.
There are no jobs because we have the highest corporate tax in the world,thanks to you know who.Eight years of Democrats are why young black men have 51% unemployment rate.After 8 years you can’t blame it on Bush anymore.How are we paying anything for Gitmo,most all of the prisoners have been released to go back to killing our kids in Iraq.You can’t have the highest taxes on business and thousands of new regulations and expect them to hire more people.Democrats say they want jobs but they hate businesses.Tax cuts have not been repealed?Then how is the government taking in 50% more in tax revenue.The top 20% are paying pretty much all the taxes.
There’s no need for me to attempt to educate you on all of the issues above even if you were open to actually learning the complexities. The “good people ” here at Civitas Institute and other right wing propaganda sites will be only too happy to reinforce your bigotry, fears, and scapegoats with false narratives. Happy hating
You educate me,ha.I’ve forgotten more than you have ever known about history,business,or anything else.I go over each point you make and show you why you are wrong.Your answer is the same old crap about I’am a bigot,that I’am afraid of freaks,scapegoats,false narratives.Have a good time in La La Land.You show me where I am wrong on anything I said.You can’t.That’s why you answer with that same old crap.
More “isolated” incidents: