Recent Civitas polling showed that likely NC voters may be ready to replace U.S. Senator Kay Hagan – when asked if they feel Hagan deserves to be reelected or if it is time to give a new person a chance, respondents answered they prefer to give a new person a chance by a 20 percentage point margin (50 to 30).
Other recent polling shows Hagan growing increasingly vulnerable. In response, Hagan has called for an investigation into the failed rollout of the federal health exchange website. This is just for show, of course, as Hagan has decided to feign outrage over the website’s failure only after it has become painfully obvious to all observers what a failure it has been.
Hagan also sends mixed signals in her alleged support for the Unaffordable Care Act itself.
Hagan’s attacks are focused on the website’s problems and fixes to the Affordable Care Act. Republicans see the health care law as a big weakness for her going into her re-election race next year.
But Hagan said she hasn’t wavered from support for the law itself….Hagan also supports a bill that would let individuals keep their health plans.
But isn’t a key component of Obamacare itself the one mandating certain coverages for all insurance plans, you know, so that people aren’t stuck with “substandard” plans that they actually chose? So how can one claim to fully support the law while simultaneously supporting legislation to change one of its most important parts?
A reporter from the Greensboro (N.C.) News & Record asked why Hagan, like President Obama, had told people that if they liked their health plans they’d be able to keep their health plans.
There was a long pause before Hagan responded, then a deep intake of breath. “You know, Doug,” she responded, “the, um” — here she exhaled and paused again — “the way these, the — the regulations and the law, uh” — pause — “came forward recently, I think people were surprised that the, uh, the — the actual original plans would be, um, would be canceled.”
Another North Carolina reporter asked Hagan what she is telling constituents whose premiums have doubled or whose plans have been canceled.
Deep inhalation. “Well, a lot of people, I, I am encouraging everybody to go on the site, uh, uh, I — look through it, find out what the benefits are,” she began. She also said constituents could call her office, “and we will certainly, uh, do what we can to help those individuals and put them in contact, uh, with the right — with the right person, and, and, and help them.”
(HT: Carolina PlottHound)
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