Governor Perdue says she won’t veto bill eliminating end of grade tests

Governor Perdue says she won’t sign HB48 that would eliminate four end of grade tests in high schools. At the same time her office released a statement that she wouldn’t veto it either.

“Personally, I believe the tests now used in school systems are due for change. I’ve talked to many teachers, and heard from education leaders across the state. It’s clear that current testing does not accomplish our shared goal of excellent teachers in every classroom and the best schools for our children in every community.

“But let me be very clear – I do not support simply eliminating testing. This state must have some process in place for identifying areas in need of improvement.”

The statement continued-

“I urge the General Assembly to work aggressively and deliberately with the State Board of Education to develop a new method of holding schools accountable to the people. This is the only way to ensure we meet the state’s Constitutional obligation of a sound, basic education for our children.”

The bill would still become law without her signature.