After Crossfire host Van Jones, former Obama administration appointee, grossly mischaracterised North Carolina’s new voting law (among other things) while introducing Gov. McCrory, the Gov. of Missouri, Jay Nixon, injected himself into the debate. Nixon seemed to scoff at Gov. McCrory, then said, “I don’t think voting should be that hard. I think voting should be easy and we should all work to make it easy…”
Let’s just take a little look at whose state makes it easier to vote.
In North Carolina we now have 10 days to vote early (in-person) and we have 50 – 60 days to vote a no excuse absentee (by mail) ballot. In contrast, Missouri does not allow early, in-person voting and to vote an absentee ballot, one must provide an excuse, such as sickness, absence, incarceration, etc.
Missouri already has a requirement for voters to show identification to access a ballot – it may include a utility bill or other document without a photo. North Carolina’s voter photo ID requirement doesn’t take effect until January 2016.
As is the case with most liberals, Jones doesn’t let facts get in the way of hyped-up accusations. Click here to see a portion of Governor McCrory’s appearance on Crossfire with Van Jones and Newt Gingrich and Governor Nixon.
LayintheSmakDown says
From the transcript, it looks like Pat pretty much laid the smack down on Jones and Nixon.