Earlier today I blogged that Rev. Barber and three others (Mary Williams, Tim Tyson and Nancy Petty) arrested at last night’s Wake County school board meeting, may have won publicity for their cause, but not much else. While the four vowed to fight on at an afternoon press conference, I wonder if they lost more than they won.
For all you lawyers, I have a question: Is an individual who is arrested for trespassing barred from returning to the location of the crime? I’ve noticed Dante Strobino, the Raleigh resident arrested for trespassing at the board’s March 24th meeting has not been seen at any Wake County school board meetings since. Neither have the two other individuals ( Edward Hardee and Rakhee Shirish Vasthali) who were arrested with Strobino. They were charged with resisting, delaying and obstructing a police officer. Mary Williams one of the four arrested last night, has a son in Wake County Schools. Does a trespassing conviction prohibit Williams from attending school functions in the building?
Could it be that last night’s arrrests mean we won’t be seeing Rev. Barber, Mary Williams, Tim Tyson or Nancy Petty at future meetings of the Wake County School Board?
Just a thought…..
The question might actually be will they be allowed on ANY WCPSS property. For the 2 with children at Wake schools this could be problematic. But they invited and welcomed the arrests and so accept all of the possible consequences that come with that honor.