We are into day 3 of the federal government “shutdown” and it appears that as of right now the public at large is unimpressed. Prior to the shutdown I did not see the usual panicked buying of milk and bread we see before impending snowstorms and other weather events. While pundits, reporters and other media types look for stories the rest of us go about our life. I know this shutdown impacts real people but to a large degree, large groups impacted are geographically concentrated in a few areas. For the rest of us the sun comes up, we go to work (or do whatever it is we do during the day) and the sunsets and most of us go to sleep.
The good news that there are still a lot of people who view the federal government as a distant thing, not something to rely on for their daily sustenance or affirmation. The liberals/progressives hope to change that as time goes by.
The Obama administration in an attempt to make people feel pain (much like the over-hyped sequestration pain) has taken outlandish steps to try and impact ordinary citizens lives. In order to do this they have tried shutting down the WW II memorial and even tried to close the PRIVATELY operated Mt Vernon home of George Washington and tried to close the privately operated Pisgah Inn along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Now for those who have been to DC at night you know that you can walk up and into any of the memorials at any hour of the day or night, closing them in this manner is a stunt, not serious steps to protect people or assets.
Which brings us back to the start – Sen Ted Cruz and his crusade to defund The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). While many doubted, it appears he is closer to getting some action to stop or slow this horrible law than all his critics — including our own Sen. Richard “Dumbest Ideal I’ve ever heard of” Burr.
Keep at it Sen Cruz!
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