Whether you think he is a hero or a villain, you’ve probably read or heard strong responses to Google’s decision to fire engineer James Damore.
Being ostracized by Silicon Valley elites and leftists everywhere, this man has been painted as a knuckle dragger of mammoth proportions. Despite the toll his intellectually lucid memo has placed upon him as a private citizen, employed by a private company, one would think that no punishment is too severe for this Neanderthal if you listened to the response from the outrage mob.
Google’s Vice President of Diversity, Danielle Brown, issued a response to Damore’s memo by emphasizing the importance of having employees that are open about, “fostering a culture in which those with alternative views, including different political views, feel safe sharing their opinions.”
Brown’s response is fascinating, in part, because Google just made it clear that those who go against the grain, even if their arguments are, at the very least, worthy of discussion, will have no job security.
A bit of intellectual honesty is in order. If Google only wants biological diversity, but a uniformity of political and cultural thought, then they ought to say so. Nevertheless, a quick perusal of their Diversity page confirms that to be the case. Aside from the Google Veterans Network, the company’s diversity efforts concentrate on inclusion that is centered around race, gender, age, disability and sexual orientation. This focus is textbook left-wing identity politics, but there are nothing but crickets when it comes to political or intellectual diversity.
If you’d like more insight and commentary on James Damore’s memo and subsequent firing, click here.
Doug says
The sad thing about this radical leftist view of diversity is that it is inherently racist….while supposedly promoting anti racism. What is the main premise of all of these “diversity” initiatives? That someone’s value is only derived from what you see…only skin deep as it were. If you feel or think differently from them then you are subject to re-education by the thought police. I guess beauty is only skin deep after all.
brookemedina says
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Doug. It seems Google really missed an opportunity. Instead of proving their commitment to intellectual diversity they revealed their unwillingness to broach a subject they found taboo.
Pinto says
One of the grand ironies of this? As noted at Instapundit, one of the laws under which Damore can sue Google is a California law (therefore almost certainly exclusively written to protect left-wingers) that prohibits employers from firing people for their political activities. Talk about being hoisted by your own petard!
Scott says
Mentioning ‘Job Security’ in this article and being in North Carolina (an anti-Labor Right to Work State) while supporting HB 2 and HB 142 (which are both the blatant use of force by Central Planners to conduct anti-Labor discrimination) is shameful.
NC Civitas will sink to any depth in the political power games they play.
brookemedina says
It will be interesting to see how the chips fall on this, Pinto!
Jack says
Conservative ‘cupcakes’ are crying because they didn’t get their way. I suggest getting some crayons and going to a safe place.
Pinto says
As usual, leftard “special snowflakes” like Jack and Scott are projecting their own emotional meltdowns onto others:
“My favorite thing is that a group of women took yesterday off because they didn’t feel safe at Google. Talk about proving his point!”
Scott says
Pinto has a bad case of name calling. This is usually seen in the Potty language of elementary school children, immaturity of adolescence, and the hit men and women of Right Wing Entertainment Radio and TV.
I think Jack was trying to show how immature conservatives are. They voice the violent idiocy of High School grad Shock Jocks Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.
How Juvenile for an adult. Perhaps Pinto will grow up one day and actually answer others comments instead of being a sorry ‘hit man’ for his cause.
Pinto says
Scott has a bad case of projection; he whines and cries about NC Civitas not mindlessly repeating leftard dogma the way he does, and then complains that we haven’t answered his “arguments” when we point out all the ways his dogma has already long been discredited. Now he’s projecting his own immaturity and inability to answer others’ comments onto us as well. Funny how he and the other frothing-mad mindless drones from the party of Linda Sarsour, Alan Grayson, Floyd Corkins, and James T. Hodgkinson is always accusing us of being “shock jocks” and violent spewers of eliminationist rhetoric.
Scott says
Here are your partisan allies Pinto. Mixing your delusional Religious ideas with the State is disgusting, anti-American, and hate filled. You and the folks at NC Civitas inspire Domestic Terrorists.
Pinto says
Here are your far-left allies, Scott. As the national-socialist-on-international socialist violence at your hate rally demonstrates, not all hate groups are left-wing groups, but all left-wing groups are hate groups. You and Antifa and the SPLC all the other genocidal goose-stepping racist fascist thugs of the left are the domestic terrorists.
Pinto says
Some more of your allies:
George Zeller says
” uniformity of political and cultural thought” … Please…… NCCivitas…stop slapping together articles simply to meet inconsequential quotas.
Pinto says
More still:
Scott says
Pinto will go to any lengths to cover up the fact that he and NC Civitas inspire hatred, racism, and religious bigotry.
The NCGOP is the favorite party of the KKK, Neo-Nazi’s, and White Supremacists in 2017.
Yet Pinto and the GOP will use their pseudohistory to distance themselves from the fact that they are what the Democrats were when the KKK supported them.
The Solid Racist Democratic Party South is now the Solid Racist Republican Party South.
The code words are the same…traditional, conservative, family values = Racist Hate and Oppression of ALL ‘others,’ using corrupt Fascist Religion as an opiate to inspire the Hate.
Pinto says
In the 1960s and 1970s, the vast majority of violent racists were poor, white, uneducated, rural Southern Democrats; now, the vast majority of violent racists are wealthy, diverse, college-indoctrinated, urban Northeast and Left Coast Democrats (rounded out by no small number of other Democrats from racist urban enclaves in every other region).
Only the names have changed: left-wingers are still offering up the broken bodies of their enemies as sacrifices on the altars of their government-worshiping religion. To Scott and all of his fellow hatemongers, riots are peaceful protests, oppression is freedom, and mindless hatred is education.
Pinto says
Scott will stop at nothing to project his own far-left ideology’s long and shameful history of atrocities onto us. His beloved Commies and Democrats are the criminal organizers of violent racist organizations such as Antifa, BLM, the Black Panthers, La Raza, the Women’s March, and other hate groups.
Pinto says
Why does your filter keep auto-censoring my comments and not Scott’s addlepated rants, NC Civitas?
Pinto says
Pinto says
Hey, look who still supports segregation in North Carolina: leftists!
Scott says
I am not a Democrat Pinto, a fact you have to skip over because it shatters your 2 Party Corrupt Duopoly partisan game.
You are so delusional that your history STOPS in the 60’s and 70’s. You have erased the past 40-50 years when the KKK and Nazi’s moved into the GOP tent.
TRUMP is a birther (Racism at it’s finest).
TRUMP defended the KKK and Nazi’s today.
The KKK and NAZI’s support Trump and the GOP.
You either are being paid to say what you do (amoral) or you have serious Mental Health issues.
Pinto says
No, I suppose you’re probably not registered as a Democrat; and you probably don’t vote straight-ticket for them whenever a Communist or Socialist or Climate Cultist (Green Party) happens to be running a candidate. Still, you quack like a Democrat: you support all their programs (especially their corporatist/fascist “health care” program which is so wonderful that six and a half million people prefer to pay a fine to be excused from it) and you attack all their enemies using their narratives. For all practical purposes, that makes you a Democrat: by my estimate, leftist ideologies all overlap each other by about 98% (the other 2% consists of disagreements on which racial, sexual, or religious group leftists want their fellow bigots to target for their two-minutes-hate sessions on any given day). So yes, although you do also sound a bit like the raving anti-Semitic 9/11 troofer conspiracy theorist lunatics I regularly see spreading their hatred and insanity on Zero Hedge, you are about 98% a Democrat to me; scolding your fellow Democrats for not being to the left of Hillary Clinton does not absolve you of your despicable political affiliation.
Pinto says
Funny how you project all your historical illiteracy onto me, Scott, especially when it’s clear you’ve been looking away from all the crimes you far-left fascists have been committing against humanity for the last two centuries right up to today. Not a word of the tired Democrat narrative you’re peddling is true:
The GOP has firmly slammed the door on your “progressive” Democrat party’s old offshoots, the Nazis (whom you leftards supported 100% for so long as your hero Hitler was allied with your other hero Stalin) and the KKK.
It was a Hillary staffer who first questioned your racist Democrat Messiah’s eligibility for office based on his dual citizenship and dodgy records; and Trump who firmly stated during his campaign that (claiming to have seen his birth certificate for himself) he believed your failed Messiah was in fact born in the USA.
Trump condemned the KKK and Nazis along with your fellow stick-and-baseball-bat-wielding Antifa and BLM thugs (and the racist Democrats who ordered the police to stand down and let them attack each other) today, as well he should. Funny how you leftard racists are so ashamed of yourselves that you’re desperately trying to pretend his condemnation of your fellow “alt-left” goose-steppers is somehow a defense of your fellow “alt-right” goose-steppers!
The KKK and Nazis are grumping about Trump’s refusal to defend them, just as they’ve been grumping for the last two years about his Jewish family and his strong support for Israel and belief in racial equality and all his other qualities that you racist leftards likewise hate him for having.
Scott, considering your being in denial about being a Democrat, your inability to identify all the deep-seated racism in your party, your historical illiteracy, your loony conspiracy theories about my supposed backers, your incapacity to deal with any of the actual issues at hand, the irrelevance and poverty of content in all of your posts, and your constant projection of all your obvious failings onto others, the real question here is why anybody lets you have access to a computer in your padded cell.
Scott says
I guess the FEMA Camps Sean Hannity claimed Obama would open if he was elected in 2008 never sent the Bus to pick you up so your re-Education was not accomplished.
Of course you are still here, so Obama was not what Michael Savage claimed he would be to his anyone who didn’t vote for him…..”worse than Pol Pot.”
I’m pretty sure though that George Soros has dispatched the UN Helicopters. They should be landing in your neighborhood any day now to scoop you up. Have a safe trip.
I have to go now. Going to meet my friend who told me there were 1 Million people at Glenn Beck’s 9/12 (2009) party. Of course like all you say, it was a BIG LIE posted by some Right Wing Blogger who posted a photo of the Million Man March from the 1990’s as a photo of Beck’s event. Estimates of the crowd were 75-90K. He, like you, still believes the lie.
There are plenty of Mental Health counselors in North Carolina for you.
Pinto says
Yep, you’re still projecting all your paranoid delusions onto us, Scott. I guess Trump still hasn’t rounded you up to exterminate you yet the way you all were expecting after he won, eh?
When haven’t you lied about crowd sizes and–more importantly–crowd behavior? I could go all the way back to your constant lying (and obscenities) about the TEA Party and the annual March for Life, and about the numerous failures of your “Million” marches to draw anywhere near so many participants, but why bother with that? Who can forget how your propaganda channels kept trying to play down the huge crowds of enthusiastic supporters Trump was drawing and trying to inflate the numbers of (mostly astro-turfed) supporters at Clinton rallies through trick photography? Who can forget how civil and well-behaved even the most enthusiastic of Trump’s crowds were, and how obscenely and violently you Clinton supporters behaved before and after Trump’s election and inauguration?
Oh yeah, that’s right: you, because your collectivist hive told you to forget. That’s why you keep acting as if you’ve been asleep for the last couple of decades, when really you’ve just been completely out of touch with reality.
Pinto says
“I have to go now.”
Yeah, wish I could believe that. I won’t be holding my breath: you leftards are all brazen liars. I remember how some of you promised to move to Canada if Trump won, but you’re still right here spreading your hatred and insanity as always.
Jack says
Speaking of Canada, small hand Trump didn’t have to go to Canada like the rest of the Draft Dodgers during the Vietnam War. No, he stayed right in New York and his Ivy League tower, safe with his daddy’s millions of dollars, and dodged that draft 5X.
I remember when the Republicans used to consider that heresy.
Seems like you will just accept any old windbag tramp nowadays for President so long he beats a Woman, a Northerner or a Black man. Southern Heritage sure is something ain’t it?
Pinto says
Why so obsessed with Trump, Jack? Been chatting with 4chan again?