Another day, another story on some politician whining about Civitas polling.
Today’s whiner is Rep. Bill Owens (D-Pasquotank) who tells The Daily Advance that our questions are “slanted”. Here are the questions and results from the poll Civitas conducted in his district. I challenge Rep. Owens to tell us which one of these questions he feels is biased against him:
1. North Carolina will hold elections for national and state offices in November 2010. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to vote in the election… where 10 means you are certain to vote …and 1 means you are certain NOT to vote.
2. [Choices rotated] In the election for state legislature this fall, will you vote for … the Republican candidate? Or the Democratic candidate?
3. Is your opinion of Bill Owens… favorable? Unfavorable? Neutral? Or, do you have no opinion of Bill Owens?
4. Is your opinion of John Woodard… favorable? Unfavorable? Neutral? Or, do you have no opinion of John Woodard?
5. [Candidate names rotated] If the election for state representative were today, would you vote for … Republican John Woodard? Or Democrat Bill Owens?
6. Which one of the following issues is the most important for the state government to address: New jobs? The economy? Taxes? Government spending? Public education? Health care costs? Government corruption? Illegal immigration? The environment? Or some other issue?
Certainly some loaded questions there, right?
Owens says he has his own internal poll showing him 14 points ahead but so far failed to make it publicly available.
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