Ethanol? The debate is over. Now that a number of scientists have shown conclusively what we already knew, (knew, knew), when are we going to get some mea culpas from Congress, from the Greens, and from the General Assembly right here in North Carolina?
(Janet Cowell and Charles Albertson were particularly egregious in their rush to judgment, followed by their rush to purloin taxpayers of ethanol special interest dollars they were warned repeatedly would never work to slow global warming.)
It is, and always has been, an example of the wish fathering the lie — the desire by the left to control the energy sector a la Stalin (the "Commanding Heights). We are waiting for those mea culpas. We are waiting for you to give us the tax dollars you extorted from us in an effort to garner political support from special interests–all so you could play energy gods in the name of global warming.
-Max Borders
Don’t hold your breath.