The American Spectator editor and founder R. Emmett Tyrrell starts off his CLC talk by saying, “I think the FBI is going to do its duty, and Hillary Clinton will finally be history.”
He is speaking on “The Death of Liberalism,” but warns that the Left is still very much alive.
Liberalism has been replaced by Barack Obama’s crony capitalism, and by leftism. True liberalism — classical liberalism — is what we conservatives now champion: small government that lets people make their own decisions.
Listening to him, I concluded he sees liberalism as burnt out, with politicians fleeing the label. That’s why electing an anti-Hillary Republican in the fall is so important. Indeed, he suggested that 2016 will be a wave election, as in 2010 or 2014, that will sweep more conservatives into power.
As for the ex-secretary of state, Tyrrell reiterated his belief the FBI is closing in. He said 150 agents are on the case, “and the lights are burning on the top floor of the FBI building every night.” The only question, he concluded, is whether the will be indicted before or after the election.
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