The e-mail panel Governor Easley has named is HEAVILY stacked to favor less transparency in government. Just one of the members, Ned Cline, is not a current employee of government at one level or another. Four of them could be considered to work directly for the governor in the executive branch. That would be a majority of the panel for math challenged individuals. The advisor to the panel also works for the state.
Does anyone think eight individuals, drawing taxpayer funded salaries, are going to make any dramatic changes that might make government more open and transparent – including their own job?
Who is representing the press? Who is representing groups advocating for open government? Who is representing the taxpayer who pays for all of this? Oh yeah, Sunshine Week was last week, we don’t need to worry about any of that anymore.
I can’t wait until next March to once again celebrate "Sunshine Week" followed by a total eclipse of the sun!
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