In response to my published letter to the N&O, Clifford Marshall of Durham felt compelled to write this response:
"I was amused by the Aug. 14 letter "Gasoline is still king." I would normally laughingly dismiss a screed such as this, which totally missed the point, except for the part about public funding of solutions to the current, and impending, energy crisis. Truth be told, our only salvation is a government-led effort to discover the best alternative (how about electricity?) to our "most cost-efficient method of running our vehicles," which is about to be depleted way sooner than any of us can even imagine."
Between failing to describe how my letter "totally missed the point" and his completely false conclusion (proven oil reserves are at the highest levels in history, and will only continue to rise as technological advances make more oil accessible) he proceeds to pen a phrase that should send a cold shiver up the spine of liberty-lovers everywhere:
"Truth be told, our only salvation is a government-led effort…"
Truly frightening.
Max says
Put the author’s name on the post. He needs to be able to Google himself and see his folly.