In light of the protests and demands from students to take down confederate statues and other historical southern references, what will happen to Duke University?
After removing the Robert E. Lee statue, why is Vincent Price not addressing this?
Duke University was named after George Washington Duke, a Confederate soldier and slave owner. Not only does the university bear his name, but there is a statue of him on the East Campus.
For the sarcasm impaired, this is not to suggest that Duke be renamed or that they take should remove Duke’s statue. This is just point out the possibilities once you go down this road.
One more thing, will ESPN refuse to repeat the name Duke in its programing?
Pinto says
They’ll probably end up something like those “Lynch” schools in Oregon.
Scott says
Why isn’t Vincent Price addressing what NC Civitas wants?
I have heard that same critique from Staff @ NC Civitas when I comment on what they purposely omit from their marketing propaganda.
Seems NC Civitas is wanting to have it both ways, but only when it suits them.
Roger U says
Its not just Southern memorials anymore, a groups of black students at the University of Virginia are demanding the statue of T Jefferson be removed. NY mayor DeBlasio and some city councilman originally from Jamaica are tweeting about removing the statue of Columbus and maybe Grant’s tomb. The push is anti American in general but anti-white (ie slave owners) more particularly. We all saw this coming when the ‘old dead white men’ meme was making its way through leftist circles a few years ago.
If they feel secure enough in their power to go after what we thought were non controversial monuments then civil war is probably unavoidable at this point.
Scott says
Roger lives in a pseoudo-historical world. Republicans abhorred the Confederate Statues when they were erected.
Anti-American Roger is what Trump rallies are. ALL WHITE. The Birther in Chief has stirred this cauldron of hatred and division.
Trump was a Democrat (for Gun Control, Pro Choice, for National Healthcare) LONG before seeing an opportunity in the Republican Party.
Trump coalesced his supporters around (among other things) the fanatical hatred of a Black man in the Oval Office. In 2009 it was called the Tea Party. Trump’s version with the White Nationalism of Bannon and Breitbart is the latest model of the Southern Strategy.
It boggles the mind that partisans cannot understand the solid pro-Slave Democratic South is now the solid evil pro-Slave Republican Party South. The Monuments were erected under Democrats (who now oppose them).
Larry says
I am not sure what world Scott lives in.Trump rallies are not all white.Every politicians rallies are mostly white because whites are the majority If Scott hasn’t noticed.Trump has thousands of people of color working for him and was given an award from Jessie Jackson for the things he had done for the black community.As far as gays go Trump has never said anything against gays or transgenders.I do remember Obama when he was running the first time he was for straight marriage only.This was just one of many things he lied about.
Scott says
Poor Larry doesn’t even know that the ‘conservative’ leaning Supreme Court ruled Same Sex Marriage Rights were Constitutional.
Larry says
Scott doesn’t seem to understand that 4 conservatives and five liberals is not a conservative leaning court.Kennedy was the tie breaker and he is hardly conservative.I fail to see what this has to do wth the subject we are discussing.I never mentioned the Supreme Court.
Scott says
You mentioned ‘Obama and Marriage’ Larry. Try to keep up with your own insanity!
Ronald Reagan put Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. Are you saying Reagan put a ‘liberal’ on the Court, several years after using the “L” word as a dirty word?
Too Funny.
Larry says
I am not stupid enough to call Kennedy a conservative when he overwhelmly voted with the liberals.To mention Ostupid at all is insanity.Jimmy Carter was for him because he knew he would knock him off the top spot as the worst President in history.
Scott says
Larry’s pseudohistory is astounding. He has labeled Ronald Reagan a Liberal.
You just can’t make this stuff up!
Larry says
Talk about delusional.I can name several judges that were named by conservative Presidents that turned out to be on the liberal side.Your point makes no sense as usual.
Scott says
Larry, the entire ‘liberal / conservative’ naming is meaningless to begin with. Ronald Reagan has created a generation of idiots who blab terms that are only important in the Political Games NC Civitas plays!
Larry says
Ostupid has created your generation of morons that only know racist and Russia.They have no solutions to anything except tax and spend and trash anything and anybody with their corrupt little helpers in the media.Pelosi says the American people don’t want the Democrats to trash Trump so they are going to quit doing that.What the senile old witch means is she will take the high road and let the media do her dirty work.The sane Americans see right through this.
Scott says
Oh Larry, what will you not say to protect the insanity of your partisanship. I am not a Democrat and don’t support Democrats. I am older than Barack Obama so he didn’t ‘create’ me or my generation.
It’s sad that you must mention Barack Obama in every post you make. And of course, you do the most perverse thing and make a sub-human name for him. Your bigoted views have a long history in the U.S. and the South.
Nowhere in your broken soul can you see the Debt piled on us from 2002 – 2006 when Republicans controlled Washington, or the Debt soon to be piled on when the Debt Ceiling is raised AGAIN by Republicans who control all of Washington.
Your life is an angry rant manipulated by your masters on Propaganda Radio and TV.
Poor boy.
Larry says
Scott,your life is some kind of tunnel vision that is dominated by nothing but race.Thats Pitiful that you don’t have a post that’s not whining about someone being racist.I feel sorry for someone that’s a full time victim like you.Poor boy.By the way there is a poll that finally tells it like it is.Ostupid was picked the worst President since WW2.I can’t imagine who was worse before WW2.
Larry says
Scott,you have some nerve talking about debt when your worst President ever added more debt than all the Presidents before him combined.