The Department of Justice recently has been assailing North Carolina for its supposed moral lapses.
But it turns out DOJ attorneys are apparently quite willing to lie and deceive a federal judge — and thus the American people.
The Washington Times reports:
A federal judge ordered the Justice Department to send its lawyers back to remedial ethics classes Thursday after finding that the administration repeatedly misled the court in the high-profile challenge to President Obama’s deportation amnesty.
Judge Andrew S. Hanen said the lawyers knew the administration was approving amnesty applications but actively hid that information both from him and from the 26 states that had sued to stop the amnesty.
Worse yet, even after the court ordered a halt to the whole amnesty, the Department of Homeland Security approved several thousand more applications, in defiance of the court’s strict admonition, Judge Hanen said, counting at least four separate times the government’s attorneys misled him.
The Obama administration likes to sneer at North Carolina for supposed ethical flaws. Maybe the administration should attend to its own ethics.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch will be in North Carolina next week, a newspaper reports. Will she be asked about why North Carolinians should trust her department?
A Gimmedat lied.What a shock.That would never happen with Lonnie Webster.
To Civitas staff,
I don’t know of any newspaper or tv station in this state that is not left wing.So,if someone from Civitas or possibly a Fox station doesn’t ask her about this,I can’t see it happening.I would certainly love to see her try to answer it.Her answer would be like one of Lonnie or George’s incoherent ramblings.
Reality, truth, facts, math, science nature and freedom all have a liberal bias.
Here’s something else for you to chew on Lonnie.Very interesting Bit of Legislative History: McCarran-Walter Act of 1952.All Muslims should not be allowed in because they will not swear allegiance to the U.S.
Donald Trump was recently severely criticized for suggesting that the U.S. should limit or temporarily suspend the immigration of certain ethnic groups, nationalities, and even people of certain religions (Muslims). The criticisms condemned such a suggestion as, among other things, being “Un-American,” dumb, stupid, reckless, dangerous and racist. Congressmen and Senators swore that they would never allow such legislation, and Obama called such a prohibition on immigration unconstitutional (as if, all of a sudden, he gives a damn about the Constitution).
As Gomer Pyle would say, “Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!!!” It seems that the selective immigration ban is ALREADY law and has been applied on several occasions. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, a.k.a., the McCarran-Walter Act allows for the “Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by the president. Whenever the president finds that the entry of aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, the president may, by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”
Note that McCarran and Walter were Democrats and this act was utilized by Jimmy Carter, no less, in 1979 to keep Iranians out of the United States … but he actually did MORE. He made all Iranian students already here check in, and then he deported a bunch. Seven thousand were found in violation of their visas, 15,000 Iranians were forced to leave the United States in 1979. You won’t hear a word about this from the liberal media, propaganda machine.
It is of note that the act requires that an applicant for immigration ”must be of good moral character” and “attached to the principles of the Constitution.” Since the Quran forbids Muslims to swear allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, technically, all Muslims should be refused immigration.
Authenticated at
Reality, truth, facts, math, science nature and freedom all have a conservative bias.
Meanwhile, Target continues to circle the toilet bowl:
Maybe… just maybe… it’s not a good idea to tell your prospective customers you’re going to give sexual predators free access to little girls’ restrooms and changing rooms?
Nah! Must be the fault of those bigots who keep referring to surprise sex their children didn’t know they wanted as child rape.
I’m not making this up, you know:
Yeah, Global W— uh, Climate Change, that must be it! Totally nothing to do with your granting sexual predators greater access to their prey. Really making friends all over the place, aren’t you, you child-abusing gaystapo goose-stepper misogynist bigots?
Next question: what restroom accommodations for this guy who identifies as a goat are reality-hating leftards going to try to impose on us sane and normal people next?
Oh, wait: since he’s identifying as a goat, he’ll just defecate in the field and urinate into his own beard in hopes of attracting females. Never mind!
Not a single newspaper in this state that isn’t left wing.Girls must get over their ‘discomfort’ at seeing male genitals in locker room: Charlotte Observer
Bathroom Bills , Transgenderism
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, May 20, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Girls need to get over the “discomfort” they may feel at seeing male genitalia in the locker room, the editorial board of one of North Carolina’s largest newspapers wrote in a piece supporting the Obama administration’s transgender school facilities edict.
The Obama administration’s threat to withhold federal funding from schools that don’t allow males to share restrooms, locker rooms, showers, and hotel rooms with females “is sure to bring more heat to the bathroom debate, but eventually the decree should have the opposite effect,” the Charlotte Observer editorial board wrote. “It will bring acceptance, as these measures do, by showing that the answer to what happens in bathrooms is a lot less fearsome than the question.”
“Yes, the thought of male genitalia in girls’ locker rooms – and vice versa – might be distressing to some,” the editorial board continued. “But the battle for equality has always been in part about overcoming discomfort – with blacks sharing facilities, with gays sharing marriage – then realizing that it was not nearly so awful as some people imagined.”
Got that, North Carolina? A little girl staring at a naked man probably feels uncomfortable the way a racist felt uncomfortable when he sat next to an African-American.
Ironically, the Charlotte Observer’s piece acknowledged that there are, in fact, inherent biological differences between men and women and people have a natural sense of privacy that prevents them from wanting to change in front of members of the opposite sex.
The Charlotte Observer’s editorial admitted that the current cultural battle over bathrooms is, in fact, about whether people with male genitalia—men—should be allowed in women’s bathrooms. This is a much more honest argument than the one leftists typically use, which is that men who want to access the women’s restroom are “trans women” and therefore every bit as female as biological women.
“The answer to what happens in bathrooms is a lot less fearsome than the question,” the editorial board wrote, arguing that there is no threat from bathroom predators.
“In this lunatic world, we place the burden of transgender progress on young girls, telling them to just get over it.”
The conservative blogosphere was quick to point out the absurdity of the Charlotte Observer’s arguments.
“When a man exposes himself on the street in front of a teenage girl, the police always offer the services of a psychologist to the young woman to help her deal with the trauma of seeing a male penis,” wrote Rick Moran at American Thinker. “Liberals will claim the context is different in a locker room or bathroom. That’s nonsense. To a teenage girl, a penis is a penis and context is meaningless.”
“But to the Charlotte Observer and the Obama administration, teenage girls being exposed to the sight of male genitals is something to be ‘overcome,’” he continued. “In this lunatic world, we place the burden of transgender progress on young girls, telling them to just get over it.”
A civil rights activist who joined the famous Greensboro lunch counter sit-in called it “offensive” to compare the transgender fight to the civil rights movement.
“During the Jim Crow Era, we stared down the nozzle of firehoses, felt the piercing bite of police dogs, dangled from trees after being strung up by an angry mob, all because of the color of our skin,” civil rights activist Clarence Henderson wrote in response to the editorial. “Our businesses were burned, churches bombed, communities destroyed, all because of the color of our skin. We had to drink at separate water fountains, shop at different stores and even had to sit at the back of the bus, all because of the color of our skin. All this and more took place after enduring 400 years of arguably the most heinous crime in history – slavery.”
“In comparison, transgender individuals do not have to fight dogs, can shop anywhere and can use any water fountain,” he continued. “They are free to work, shop and ride the bus. And to my knowledge, they have not experienced 400 years of slavery and the ongoing fight for parity 151 years after emancipation. It is a further insult that the left chooses to ignore the continued absence of African Americans at the top levels of corporate America including the companies that took a public stand against HB2. Look at their boards of directors and executive teams. Where are the African Americans? Women? Transgender people? To them, I say fix these problems in your own house.”
Yep, Charlotte’s hate rag insists little girls need to “get over” having sexual predators wag their weenies at them; proof positive that everyone opposing HB2 belongs on the sex offender registry.
Conservatives have so much to fear. I’m sure religous Conservatives 150 years ago who damaged art work depicting genitals had similar fear.
Life as a Conservative must really be difficult.
You are fearful and pitiful,Lonnie.Life as a commie is going to get a lot worse in November.
Target makes Lonnie look smart.Unbeliveable
Target Is Suing Man After Saving A Young Girl From Being Stabbed To Death
By: Brandon Morse | May 21st, 2016 at 10:41 AM | 12
Well, if you wanted that final straw to break the proverbial camel’s back for Target, you’ve got it. Maybe even transgender people won’t visit here now. As Bre Payton of the Federalist reported, Target’s financial skydive is being accompanied by a moral one, because despite your stance on the trans bathroom issue, this has nothing to do with their unpopular bathroom policy.
According to Payton, Target is now suing a man who saved a girl’s life when another man attempted to stab a 16 year old girl in their store.
This incident occurred in 2013 when the hero, known as Michael Turner, got into a life or death struggle with the would be murderer named Leon Wall, after Wall grabbed 16 year old Allison Meadows.
Here’s how the incident went down as reported by KDKA’s Brenda Waters, and told by Turner
“Everyone thinks Walls walked inside Target and stabbed this little girl, but that’s not what happened, you had an encounter prior to that?” asked KDKA’s Brenda Waters.
“At this point, we were standing on Highland Avenue, and then that’s when Walls attacked Jobe Wright. At that point, Roland Smith and Tyreek Walker pursued behind him. At this point, I get in a car with Jobe Wright,” said Turner.
Turner says he and his friend got in a car to find Walls and when they arrived at Target another friend came out of the store and said “he’s in there.”
“I entered Target, I run up the escalator, I make a right, that’s when I encountered Walls in the store,” said Turner.
Turner says he and Walls exchanged words. He also says he went into the store with a baseball bat.
“He grabbed a little girl, he didn’t stab her at that point, he was talking, saying … he was trying to get out the store and Jobe told him, ‘You’re not going nowhere ’til the police come,’” said Turner. “And that’s when he started saying, ‘Y’all think I’m playing, y’all think I’m playing. I’m not playing.’ And he stabbed her the first time. Then he stabs her again.”
Target claims that if Turner hadn’t run after walls with a baseball bat, then Meadows never would have been stabbed. This is apparently false, as Wall was on a stabbing spree before he even entered the store. Turner was attempting to stop Wall from hurting anybody else, and is now being punished for his heroism in saving Meadows life.
“Suing Michael Turner is just Target’s way of trying to blame someone else for what happened under their own roof,” said Meadow’s family attorney. “The family certainly doesn’t blame Mr. Turner and they are thankful he was there that day.”
Trial proceedings for the case are going to occur on Monday, and the Meadows family will be in attendance to help Turner in any way they can for saving their daughter’s life.
Everyday that goes by, Target seems less and less a safe place to be, especially for women. From their transgender bathroom policies that allow men into women’s restrooms, to their stance on bringing firearms into the store, and now punishing acts of heroism, such as saving a young girl’s life.
We have a laundry list of reasons to no longer shop at Target, and this is definitely a reason anyone can get behind. This is a store that enables perverts, and punishes heroes.
Every time they appear in the media, the chain unwittingly announces that it’s a safe haven for the worst that society has to offer, be it a rapist or an armed psychopath with free reign over its customers. I encourage you to find a different store to shop at, not just out of principle, but for your own safety.
Hey, I’ve just found the proper label for Lonnie’s kind of lunacy, specifically the “transabled” kind:
I’m thinking Lonnie is that particular subclass of “transabled” that we might specifically call “transmindless” because obviously he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with left-wing ideology to make him more like the mindless drone he’d long desired to be. Ignorance really is bliss to you, isn’t it, Lonnie?