This morning Governor Perdue will sign the DNA sampling bill in Greenville, NC (you can follow the live tweet of the signing here). HB1403, “Collecting DNA Sample on Arrest,” requires police to take DNA samples of suspects charged with serious crimes, including murder or rape. Then, the DNA sample will be entered into a larger DNA database with the hope of solving cold cases.
Civitas interns debated whether the bill infringed on our liberties or provides greater security here. And another intern pointed out the potential financial aid the state would gain if the bill were passed.
While the discussion of what conservatives and libertarians believe may be split, one point is clear, DNA sampling does help solve cases. According to WRAL, “the state’s DNA database has helped solve more than 1,400 cases.” In opening up DNA sampling to a greater population we can expect more cases to be solved after the legislation takes effect on February 1, 2011.
What do you think? Should DNA samples be collected when a suspected felon is arrested?
Francis says
I gave a sample of my DNA so the military could identify my remains in a worse case scenario so I tend not to have a problem with this law. I agree with you that it is a good crime solving tool and hopefully the police can solve some unsolved crimes with this new tool.
Chances are if the accused is connected with another crime they were not arrested for, it is not the only other crime they committed.
Charles H. Patrick says
I am a conservative and I agree with the taking of a DNA sample by the police when a suspect is arrested for a felony. DNA has freed a lot of prisoners who were put in prison for crimes they didn’t committ. And could put the right people in prison for the crimes they did committ. Besides what can it hurt to have your DNA on file with the police if you don’t committ crimes?