Republicans will have a committee substitute for SB8 ready for the House Education Committee hearing Tuesday at 10:00. It will be an attempt to address some of the concerns of Democrats. Meanwhile, House Democrats are introducing their own versions. Sponsor Rick Glazier’s bill would put a charter school commission under the direct control of the State Board of Education so the commission would be advisory. It would remove the cap on the number of schools but would restrict how they share program funds with public schools. For example, if charter schools didn’t provide transportation or free lunches then they would not be eligible for a share of funds from those programs. Each school would also have to start with a minimum of 65 students. Glazier says that would prevent “five elite neighbors” from forming their own charter school with their children.
I am a conservative, and I really have issues with the flow of funds part of SB8. If the charters offer the same program such as ROTC, or More at Four, etc, then they should get their share of that funding, but if they do not, then they are overstepping.
I’m an educator by training, and know that we simply don’t value and fund education as we should- at the state or national level. There is not enough money to fund all the essential programs let alone special programs. We make a feeble effort by legislating a per student allotment to local public schools. The money should follow the student not programs. It should not make a difference who gets the money as in traditional public schools or public charter schools – as long as they first and foremost provide a quality education. Our free market economy would say a little competition is good. It appears to work. As is the case, where we have public charter schools local school performance increases from the the competition.
I have to trust each local administrator to spend the money wisely, and not dictate how they decide, only critic their performance. More money would surely help, but every student should get what is allotted to them.