Friday’s News & Observer had an article on a presentation by Progress Energy to its analysts’ meeting detailing how its polling revealed that 79 percent Progress’ customers think "global warming requires immediate and drastic action."
Yet when presented with an opportunity to pay just a scant $4 per month to have a portion of their electricity produced from renewable sources through a program called NC GreenPower, only 12,940 customers in all of North Carolina have signed up.
So the message is "we want action on global warming, but we don’t want to pay for it?"
I think this is another one of those polls where respondents give the "socially responsible" answer, but really don’t feel very strongly about the issue. 79 percent of people supposedly say that global warming requires drastic action, yet less than 0.4% of households are willing to put their money where their mouth is and back up their opinion.
Sounds like empty environmentalism if you ask me.
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