Michael Hayden is next to testify. He states his profession as a professional political operative specializing in fundraising. His title was Finance Director for the Easley Committee. Hayden stated that his responsibility was to “effectively and persistently raise money within the law”.
He moved to NC in 2003 to take the position with the Easley Campaign, Before that worked for the Governor in Oklahoma. He also worked for Governor Hodges in South Carolina between 1998 – 2002.
In his employment agreement there was a one time retainer fee of $10,000 or $5000 if the committee obtained suitable housing for him. The campaign did provide housing — the Easley home (the one where the repairs were made – see McQueen Campbell testimony) he lived there several months. He then moved to an apartment complex in late 2003 (all of this testimony was to the best of his recolletion).
Hayden stated that he never had the responsibility of running day to day operations of the campaign. He said that the Governor had a commitment to raise $500,000 toward the coordinated campaign but did not know whether the campaign ever met the commitment.
He said he drafted the Easley finance plan. After his first interview with Governor Easley, Mr Haden never again discussed strategy with the Governor although they would attend finance committee meetings together. He setup events, arranged for direct mail, email and one-on-one solicitations.
Hayden said he did not arrange the Governor’s travel but requested it – he talked with the scheduler. Carrie Boyce was the person Hayden would contact to arrange for the Governor’s appearance at a campaign activity. Jay Reiff (campaign manager) determined what kind of money Hayden would raise – whether it was Easley money or Democratic Party Combined Campaign money.
Hayden did not recall discussing how payment of air travel would be handled with John Wallace, Dave Horne or Jay Reiff. Hayden could not recall ever flying with McQueen Campbell – but did know that McQueen Campbell was a pilot. He never knew that he specifically provided flights for the Governor although he knew he piloted the planes that the Governor was flying on.
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