Ed Cone writes of our piece in the N&R this weekend, criticizing the Triad’s Skybus fiasco:
Thanks for the advice, fellas, your one-size-fits-all ideology is just so interesting and relevant to people in the Triad who are trying to cope with the realities of our own local economy.
If it’s your "local economy," why was the N.C. Dept. of Commerce involved? And why, pray tell, does your local economy require my tax dollars?
There’s nothing ideological at all about criticizing the PTI’s, the counties, and the State’s corporate whack-a-mole failure in practical terms. What’s more, it is pretty petty and snarky to refer to us as a "propaganda mill." Yes, we have opinions. That’s why the piece was on the editorial page.
(Maybe he should check out this on other towns who’ve failed at corporate welfare.)
-Max Borders
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