Being a liberty-loving person, I would never advocate banning anything. Well, except one thing: Andy Griffith episodes IN COLOR. Others agree with me (in spirit), according to this Dome post. I mean Howard Spraig? Opie a teenager? Come on. More Goober, no Barney? Give me a break.
Once, when I was living in Chicago, I tried to convince a yankee friend of mine to watch it — to try it out just once. He was skeptical. I told him to find it on TV Land. The next day he came back to me and said he tried to watch it, but it just wasn’t his cup of tea. In horror, I realized what had happened. "Was the episode in color?" I asked. "Yes," he replied.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO….. came my plaintive cry. My chance at converting him was lost forever.
You see, Andy Griffith is the greatest show ever (maybe tied w/ Seinfeld). But black-and-white Andy. Let there be no confusion about this. (My three favorite episodes: "Opie the Bird Man" "Mr. MacBeavey" and "Dogs, Dogs, Dogs")
-Max Borders
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