State leaders today responded to President Barack Obama’s directive to public schools across the country that students be able to choose which gender-specific facility to use based on their personal gender identity and not the sex they were born as.
“We at Civitas urge our state and educational leaders to reject President Obama’s latest attempt to overstep his lawful role, ‘fundamentally transform’ the nation, and impose a radical agenda on every school in the state and nation. North Carolina must stand strong against this unconstitutional decree that ‘a school may not require transgender students to use facilities inconsistent with their gender identity or to use individual-user facilities when other students are not required to do so,” Civitas President Francis De Luca said.
“The president’s new decree has no force of law, but is merely an implicit threat to withhold federal funds. It is important to remember that just yesterday the White House admitted North Carolina would not lose federal education funding after Gov. Pat McCrory and state legislative leaders filed lawsuits defending House Bill 2. In this new federal attempt to bully North Carolina, the governor, the General Assembly, state education officials and school districts should also hold their ground against this administration threat. The tragedy of this is that civil society was already developing reasonable ways of accommodating transgendered individuals without impinging on the safety and comfort of other people. We are confident the federal government’s latest attacks on our constitutional rights can be turned back so that North Carolina’s leaders, schools and people can resume the work of finding ways to meet the needs of all people in a reasonable manner.”
To find out more, go to NC Capitol Connection.
Featured image is from a pro-HB2 event in April in Raleigh.
Pinto says
“I’m an executive order, and I pretty much just happen.”
Lonnie says
Edict? Impose radical agenda?
The US Constitution is a document of individual freedom and liberty, Civitas Institute is demanding Authorterian restrictions on a group of citizens, who’s crime is wanting to pee in peace, dress as the gender they identify and not be bullied by agents of government.
Pinto says
Must be some of that “civility” Lonnie the gaystapo goose-stepper misogynist bigot is always telling us about.
Pinto says
The US Constitution is a document of individual freedom and liberty that Lonnie the illiterate leftard gaystapo goose-stepper bigot has obviously never read. Lonnie and his fellow hate-mongering child-abusing misogynist criminal thugs are demanding totalitarian restrictions on half the population of citizens whose “crime” is wanting to relieve themselves and change their clothes in peace unmolested by criminal perverts pretending to “identify” as women, and not be bullied by the lawless criminal pervert thug agents of a treasonous anti-Constitutional rogue regime.
Larry says
Lonnie doesn’t seem to know the definition of pervert.It is a person whose sexual behavior is abhorant and unexceptable.A degenerate.Doe’s that clear it up for you,Lonnie?
Pinto says
Meanwhile, more states standing up to bathroom bullies: