After 16 initial competitors, we are now down to the final two. Vote for the worst bill between the following that are left:
SB 113/114 “Carrboro Energy Efficiency/Renewable and Chapel Hill Energy Efficiency/Renewable”
Would make the towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill exempt from General Statutes, 143-129, 143-131, and 143-132; which compel local governments to accept a minimum number of bids for contracts on municipal projects over $500,000 and supplies exceeding $30,000. The bills provide little guidance as to what projects could be included in these exceptions, save for the extremely vague phrase “aimed at increasing energy efficiency.”
SB 1378 “Build North Carolina’s Future Act”
Authorizes the state to borrow $451 million without voter approval to build engineering schools at NC State University and North Carolina A&T State University that will also provide for capital equipment purchases for University of North Carolina school system and the Community College System.
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