Just go ahead and call the City of Raleigh, "The Grinch."
At Roanoke Park in Raleigh, parents leave big play toys (big wheels, play kitchen sets, etc.) in the park so that all neighborhood kids can play with them. According to this NBC-17 report, the City of Raleigh has decided that this is "unsafe."
Raleigh Parks and Recreation’s Scott Payne said the department is
following guidelines set by the Consumer Product Safety Commission by
clearing the ground, or "fall zone," of toys."Leaving toys in the middle of that fall zone creates potential for
a child to strike a hard surface rather than the safety surface
underneath," Payne said.
Oh please. This is just nanny state ridiculousness taken to its extreme. I’m sure Chief Nanny-stater Rep. Jennifer Weiss (D-Wake) or the Child Fatality Task Force is behind this somehow.
But parents are fighting back, and they should. Parent Kerry Hazen sums it up the best:
"It’s just kind of sad that the kid’s safety can’t be entrusted to the
parents who are here supervising them rather than having someone else
set rules for us," Hazen said.
Preach on, sister.
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