The House Finance Committee passed a bill (HB289) which would authorize several new special license plates, including one reading “Choose Life.” That’s the one, sponsored by Representative Mitch Gillepsie (R-McDowell), that sparked a long debate.
The “Choose Life” plate would cost $25, with $15 going to a fund that would in turn distribute money to the Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship. Funds would then go to Pregnancy Crisis Centers.
Gillepsie’s bill would prohibit any funds going to organizations that included counseling on abortion, such as Planned Parenthood.
Representative Jennifer Weiss (D-Wake) said many of her constituents would find the plate offensive. Representative Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) said people have a choice of whether they want the plate. Representative Kelly Alexander (D-Mecklenburg) proposed an amendment that would offer a “Respect Choice” plate but it wasn’t approved.
The next stop should be the House floor.
I love that Weiss said that her constituents would find the plate offensive but is completely unconcerned with the idea that tax money could go to fund abortion/abortion providing organizations.