As highlighted in Chris Bedford’s Daily Caller article, the Roberts electric car gets the same 40 mile charge as the Chevy Volt. Only difference – about a 115 years. The Roberts car is still running, according to its current owner. It even completed the almost 60-mile London to Brighton Vintage Car Race.
Of course, it could never compete with the majority of gas-fueled cars on the market today. Gas-fueled cars won the day through a fierce market place fight. Several steam and electric cars were promoted in the past but so far, they have not been able to match their fuel competitors, driving most of these alternatives out of the modern market.
Yes, the Volt has GPS, power steering and air bags but the fact that its charge level is the same as a century old car isn’t very impressive. There’s nothing wrong with a car company attempting to find an alternative to gas-fueled cars. If it’s a worthy opponent, consumers will act accordingly. However, distorting the market by providing a large tax credit or corporate “incentives” for a car with a 40 mile charge limit is not the answer. Let the free market determine the winners and losers.
Despite the tax credit, consumers still aren’t responding very favorably to the Volt. Why? Because people need cars that can safely, efficiently and economically get them from Point A to Point B. So far, the Volt or any other electric car for that matter, has adequately met these needs.
shhhhh, dont tell the ecofreaks and liberals that! they still thing it will go 400 miles on 5 cents of electricity