Charter school advocates received a setback yesterday when the North Carolina House failed to concur with a Senate bill that included language to change oversight of public charter schools. The House sent HB 334 to conference committee for review. The original House bill, referenced how much in fees charter schools could charge. However, when the bill moved to the Senate, language was included to change oversight of charter schools from the NC Department of Public Instruction and place it under the State Board of Education. The Senate bill (SB 456) was sponsored by Sen. Jerry Tillman. Tillman included language to change the oversight of charter schools from the NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and place it under the State Board of Education. The action pleased many charter school advocates who contend that DPI’s oversight has not been in the best interests of charter schools and also think the composition of the State Board of Education to be more supportive of charter schools and their development. No word yet on whether conferees will be able to work out their differences.
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