It’s difficult to hide blatant hypocrisy, isn’t it?
The NCAA recently announced they will pull games from North Carolina due to HB2. The Board of Governors said in a statement that they “must promote an inclusive atmosphere for all college athletes, coaches, administrators and fans” and that our oh-so-discriminatory laws prevent them from doing this.
The NCAA can hold games wherever they want, but they should be prepared for individuals calling them out on their hypocrisy. And let me tell you, it’s blatant. So, since they’ve chosen to ostracize my state, I thought I’d take a look at a couple of the locations that the NCAA does deem more suitable than North Carolina.
One of these is the U.S. Virgin Islands. There is an annual basketball tournament called “Paradise Jam.” What’s strange is that when you take a look at the employment discrimination laws in the U.S. Virgin Islands, they don’t quite seem to meet the NCAA standards. In fact, they are remarkably similar to NC…
Employment Discrimination: It is against local and federal law to discriminate against an individual in hiring, promoting or terminating because of race, sex, age, religion, color, ancestry, or handicap.
Yikes – no “protections” based on sexual orientation or gender identity; yet the NCAA labels this a “paradise.”
The Bahamas Bowl is scheduled to be held in the Bahamas this year, as is the “Battle 4 Atlantis” basketball tournament. Make no mistake, the Bahamas is far from a sanctuary of transgender equality and inclusion. The Bahamas does not include sexual orientation or gender identity in its “anti-discrimination” laws.
Moreover, Same-sex marriage is illegal there. LGBT violence in the Bahamas has also been at an all-time high in recent years and reached a fever pitch just last year during a battle for hate crimes law. Homophobic mobs were chasing people out of festivals. This is true bigotry and hatred. Yet the NCAA pulls out of NC because we don’t provide a “safe and respectful environment”?
So perhaps the NCAA will be making an announcement that they’ve pulled these games out of the Virgin Islands and the Bahamas as well. But don’t hold your breath. And these are not even the only territories/ states with laws similar or identical to HB2…
Are we truly supposed to believe that the Board of Governors at the NCAA were so distressed by the bigotry in North Carolina that it took them 6 months to decide to pull out of our state? Or is it more likely that, due to political pressure, they chose to make a political statement with this action just weeks before an election?
Give me a break. Of course that’s the case. And if you choose to believe that this decision and the decisions from the NBA and ACC are sincere and apolitical, you are simply deceived.
I have been saying this was political as soon as I heard it! It’s after getting Cooper elected and Trump loosing in NC nothing to do with bathrooms!!!
So…..two or three or four wrongs make a right! NCCivtas either doesn’t get it and/or thinks all its readers are deplorable!
As a Hater, Shamer, Denier, now under the catch all umbrella of being labeled a Deplorable, I think I can now add the NCAA to my No Watch list along with the NFL.
I, too, consider myself one of the deplorables. If this is what Roy Cooper represents, so be it. I pray to God that there are enough people of faith in N C to see the difference of what our Governor
represents compared to what Roy Cooper represents. I am a Christian, and I will vote. As much as I like all sports, I can leave the
NFL and NCAA off my list, and stand in support of my Christian Faith.
Amazed that ACC believes NC values can be bought and paid for, i.e. bow to the ACC powers that be (a bunch of social liberal elites) and we’ll give y’all millions through our sports events. Keep your money; my conscience is worth infinitely more!!
So I suppose from now on, before any other state laws are proposed, we should consult with the almighty sports gods, the NCAA, NBA, ACC, to determine if it meets with their standards and approval? This is deplorable!
Turn off the TVs everyone!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but is not the ACC headquarters located in Greensboro, NC? If they are really concerned about safety and inclusiveness they would pack up and leave not just pull the plug on a couple games in NC.
Reality check, nothing in HB2 stops these facilities and organizations from providing a gender neutral bathroom. It’s just a lot of smoke and mirrors.
Once again NCAA and ACC fails to lead by example of how to make this work by having bathrooms for men, women, and another for anyone who wants to use regardless. In that way, EVERY person can feel like their rights to both privacy and inclusiveness were address.
I have relatives on both sides of my family in NC its unfortunate that, te NBA, NCAA, and the ACC are forced to out themselves as Devout Socialists who only care about big corp donaters and what they want. For those of who paid attention the last 20yrs or so but the deomcrat party is now devout socialist party that chooses big business and their corp donation over the avg nornal ppl they’re suppossed to care about.
Hate tell these closed minded idiots not everything is about M-O-N-E-Y.
its sad that laws like house bill 2 are necessary at all why cant just use basic common sense but the Socialists have been engineering their grand plan for more than 50yrs but most of us were too busy living our lives to notice.
Its sad that everything now has to be political
The intimidation tactics and very deep pockets of the LGBT “Gender Terrorists” now own the NCAA and ACC. Neither Roy Cooper nor Mayor Roberts are “smart enough” to have manipulated this issue to this level.
YES! ACC and NCAA OUT of NC now! Get the hell outta here NOW.
ACC and NCAA are not worthy of NC presence! BE GONE !
No acc , nba ball In my house. They have lost me forever. Political correctness has cost sports both college and
Professional hundreds of millions of dollars.
Horray!! Most were significantly overpaid .
Not balling here ..,
Offshore saltwater fishing has
More action and no bigotry. Change the channel.
I’m another deplorable get out of our state we don’t need or want you or your
Perverted agenda here no more in this household stand strong Gov. MCRORY
NCAA, ACC, NFL, get lost. If Tar Heels, Wolfpack, Blue Devils, Demon Deacons, execs had any cajones, they’d pull out of ACC.
A good place to start. I often wonder if anyone at NCCivitas has even read it…
‘And if you choose to believe that this decision and the decisions from the NBA and ACC are sincere and apolitical, you are simply deceived.’
An accurate description of most lib voters and every socialist pol!
Why is it so hard for libs to think logically? I guess because they’ve been deceived and lied to for so long, they just can’t get a handle on what truth looks like. Which explains why Hildaliar still has ANY support!
I am certain that liberals in this state pushed this issue on the ACC and the NCAA for the express purpose of hurting the good people of NC and the business it would bring so as to have a scapegoat to point the finger at in order to win an election. Mr. Coopers office has already been caught sending correspondence to prospective business preparing to relocate here….advising them……….not too.
The NCAA is all about total dictatorial control of college athletics and the money that control brings. They could care less about the “student athlete”.
You are correct. I expect that pulling those tournaments you mentioned from those Islands would get into the NCAA’s pocket. You are correct. This worst kind of hypocrisy.