Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal created a ruckus this week when he stepped up to the microphones after a meeting of the National Governors Association.
The fuss was all the greater because the mics were outside the White House. “The Obama economy is now the minimum wage economy,” Jindal said, among other things.
In Washington, a gaffe is speaking the truth. The president has called for raising the minimum wage, but his policies, especially the Affordable Care Act, are destroying good jobs, while pushing more people into part-time work, sometimes at the minimum wage. The real goal should not be raising the minimum wage, but building a dynamic economy that provides better-paying jobs.
Since the above fracas, Jindal has continued to contrast the Democrats’ “minimum wage economy” with the economy in Louisiana, where conservative reforms have boosted growth.
All of which make Jindal’s upcoming appearance at our Conservative Leadership Conference all the more intriguing. To find out more about CLC, go to CLC2014.com.
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