The N&O just couldn’t sit idly by while their beloved Unaffordable Care Act received scrutiny and criticism in a legislative committee meeting Tuesday. The committee’s hearings were designed to evaluate Obamacare’s impact on North Carolina. In an article covering the hearing, though, the N&O had to attack a credible researcher in order to delegitimize his testimony in the eyes of their readers.
The lead speaker, Duke University health policy scholar Chris Conover, who has previously denounced President Barack Obama as a fascist, laid out his case against the health care law as a national disaster and called for the law’s repeal.
My AEI colleague, Jonah Goldberg, has written brilliantly and eloquently about “liberal fascism,” taking 24 pages to explain the intimate connection between fascism and progressivism. He notes that the term originally was coined as a badge of honor by H.G. Wells in 1932 in a speech to Oxford University’s Young Liberals in which he encouraged them to become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis.” Mr. Goldberg correctly characterizes modern liberalism as an “ideology of good intentions” and goes on to define fascism as:
“a religion of the state. It assumes the organic unity of the body politic and longs for a national leader attuned to the will of the people. It is totalitarian in that it views everything as political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good. It takes responsibility for all aspects of life, including our health and well-being, and seeks to impose uniformity of thought and action, whether by force or through regulation and social pressure”
Conover concludes his article by reminding people that Obama had expressed his desire to ultimately usher in a comprehensive single payer health care system, and that a single payer system “sounds great to progressive fascists like Barack Obama.”
In short, Conover labeled Obama a “progressive fascist” – which refers to someone who justifies government action to “achieve the common good”, and favors a government that takes responsibility for all aspect of our lives.
Is Conover wrong?
“In short, Conover labeled Obama a “progressive fascist” – which refers to someone who justifies government action to “achieve the common good”, and favors a government that takes responsibility for all aspect of our lives.
Is Conover wrong?”
Really? Really?
Same old tired right wing paranoia, blame the media when you get negative attention. Perhaps it’s the message and policies being pursued that are to blame, and not the media?
Conover, while clearly not an idiot, was a parrot invited to attack the ACA. His opening statement was sufficient to discredit him from any academic impartiality.
Also, when was the last time the right wing contributed any “meaningful debate” on Obamacare, all you have done since day-1 is scream about death panels and other made up nonsense.