We all know that President Obama repeatedly lied when he promised “if you like you health plan, you can keep your health plan” while trying to sell the public on the Unaffordable Care Act, something he half-heartedly apologized for last week.
One of his other promises was that increasing competition and choice for health insurance consumers would be a priority. This, too, is proving to be a lie.
As the Heritage Foundation points out in this analysis, “In the vast majority of states, the number of insurers competing in the state’s exchange is actually less than the number of carriers that previously sold individual market policies in the state.” Indeed, in 78 percent of U.S. counties, insurance shoppers on the exchange will have to choose from 3 or fewer providers.
North Carolina fares worse than most states, with a literal monopoly in the majority of NC counties – only one insurance provider offering plans on the exchange. Small wonder why so many North Carolinians are facing sticker shock by the new insurance plans they are being forced into.
Chalk up yet another aspect of the Obamacare nightmare that the critics got right.
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