Journalist and filmmaker Ann McElhinney was one of the most powerful speakers at our recent Conservative Leadership Conference (CLC), and NC Capitol Connection wrote about her, but as a writer I have to confess there are some things news accounts can’t fully convey, and her appearance at CLC was one of them.
Fortunately, if you weren’t there, there are ways to find out directly about the work Ann and her husband, Phelim McAleer, have done in recounting the horrific career of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell.
At CLC, “What Matters in North Carolina” producer Matt Caulder interviewed McElhinney about how she and McAleer came to hear about Gosnell’s crimes, and how they have worked to bring to a wide audience a heart-breaking story many in the media won’t touch. To hear the interview, click here.
I’m also reading their book “Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer.” It adds another layer to the story. As a book, it can show things that are harder to portray on film or on radio, especially the way the medical and political establishment ignored Gosnell’s evil — or even actively abetted in it. You can learn more about the book here.
Finally, McElhinny and McAleer have made a movie about Gosnell and are working on getting it distributed. To find out more, click here
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